What's New in ECO 2024

December 2024
Dimension Table Compare Indicator
Feature Update:
Updates to the dimension table with table compare indicators displays:
New when the previous value was zero.
Same when the value is same as before.
With this feature update, the dimension table more clearly indicates new and unchanged comparison values.
Click to expand the image
More Details: Table Compare
Enhanced Metric Builder
Feature Update:
Consolidates metric building tasks on a single page to streamline the metric creation process, enabling a more efficient way to create metrics.
Click to expand the image
Use Case:
The updated Metric Builder streamlines the process of creating metrics. When creating metrics, the Metric Builder enables the discovery of events in LiveLens, exploration with EventLooker, mapping of raw events, and creation of metrics on a single page without requiring tab switching.
More Details: Metric Builder
Enhanced Management
Feature Update:
Improves the UI for event, metric, and dimension management with these enhancements:
Allows multiple selections of metrics, custom dimensions, and mapped events for deployment, undeployment, and deletion.
Introduces the Undeploy&Delete button to simplify the process of deleting deployed metrics, dimensions, and events by combining undeployment and deletion into a single step.
Highlights the status of metrics, custom dimensions, and mapped events with color-coded labels to more clearly indicate status levels and required actions.
Adds distinct colors to the icons for cloning, deploying, undeploying, and deleting to highlight icon functionality.
Click to expand the image
Use Case:
Manage actions for multiple events, dimensions, and metrics more efficiently:
Select the checkboxes next to multiple metrics for combined deployment and undeployment.
Click the Undeploy&Delete button to undeploy and delete a metric in a single step.
More Details: Management
November 2024
AI Alerts for Flow Metrics
Feature Update:
Adds AI alert support for monitoring the metrics associated with user flows, allowing automated AI-based alerting for flow duration, faster root cause isolation, and improved corrective actions.
Click to expand the image
Use Case:
In the AI Alert dashboard, monitor flow-based metrics, such as Search for Playing Videos Avg Duration to gain AI-generated baselines and performance insights, automated anomaly detection, and proactive root cause analysis.
More Details: AI Alerts
AI Alerts Buffered Ending
Feature Update:
Introduces a five-minute AI alert buffering period after an alert condition ends to suppress frequent re-generation of the same alert. This update briefly prolongs alert ending to minimize instances of closely spaced alerts due to temporary metric fluctuations around the alert thresholds.
Click to expand the image
Use Case:
In the AI Alerts dashboard, alerts are generated only after a minimum 5-minute alert ending period, resulting in fewer closely timed alerts and more stable alert triggers.
More Details: AI Alerts
More Logical Conditions for Mapping Events
Feature Update:
Introduces is not empty and is empty logical conditions for event mapping, enabling event filtering based on the presence or absence of tag values. These options simplify event filtering by eliminating the need to manually list all potential tag values, streamlining the process of handling event mapping.
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Use Case:
To include all tag values without manual selection in event mappings, choose the is not empty option from the drop-down list when mapping the events. This option filters events to include all cases where any valid specified tag key values exist, replacing the need to list each value individually.
More Details: Semantic Mapper
Flow Error Analysis
Feature Update:
Introduces the Error Analysis tab in the Trends dimension analysis area, accessible by clicking the Drill down to widget-specific view icon on a widget within a flow that has error events. This tab streamlines the analysis of errors related to the flow by providing quick access to error events and messages.
Click to expand the image
Use Case:
Easily identify error details for in-depth flow analysis. Select a Flow widget in the Trends Summary tab, click the Drill down to widget specific view icon, click the metric related to errors, and view detailed error events and messages in the Error Analysis tab of the dimension table.
For example, when you drill down into a specific metric, such as Search for Playing Videos Error, you can access detailed error messages, such as App Crash, for thorough investigation.
More Details: Summary Tab
Filter Management -- Bulk Filter Deletion
Feature Update:
Enhances the Filter Management with,
Bulk deletion option to remove multiple filters simultaneously.
Delete button to delete the selected filters.
This improvement streamlines the filter list and improves overall usability.
Click to expand the image
Use Case:
Use the search feature to limit the displayed filters by filter ID, such as "201" for filters with this number in the ID and click the Delete button, to see the Delete Filters popup screen.
More Details: Filter Management
Trends -- Dynamic Y-Axis
Feature Update:
Introduces the Dynamic Y-Axis in Trends to narrow the granularity of the y-axis range to focus more precisely on the displayed data points. Pulse calculates the maximum and minimum values, adds appropriate buffers, and determines whether to include the zero position in the y-axis. Excluding the zero position can be especially helpful in interpretting scatter charts.
Click to expand the image
Use Case:
Select the Avg Network Request Duration metric and click the Dynamic Y-Axis icon. Clicking the icon adjusts the y-axis to start at 2 and end at 4, based on the minimum data value of 2.1 and the maximum value of 3.8, with an added buffer instead of the range (1-4). This adjusted display offers more precise insights into the timeline data points, enhancing the data analysis.
More Details: Dynamic Y-Axis
October 2024
Trends -- Summary Tab (Beta)
Feature Update:
Introduces the Summary Tab in Trends to concisely analyze application performance data, featuring several key self-contained UI widgets, such as:
Flow widgets that reflect user journeys
Customized metric groups for collective performance evaluation
Widgets related to service performance
Click to expand the image
Use Case:
Quickly isolate users impacted by a performance issue. In the Trends Summary tab, click the widgets related to service performance, such as Network Duration, to filter the dimension data to only users impacted by a long network duration. Sort the user IDs in the Users tab to discover the user IDs most impacted.
More Details: Summary Tab
Trends -- Metric Group in Summary Tab
Feature Update:
Introduces the Metric Group Widgets in the Summary Tab, enabling the creation of a customized set of up to four metrics displayed together in the same widget. Assign widget names for targeted references, such as Startup Metrics, and access a focused analysis page with expanded time series and dimensional drill-downs for efficient diagnostics of the metric group performance.
Click to expand the image
Use Case:
Create a metric group with service performance-related metrics for service engagement, including Network Request Failure and Avg Network Request Duration. This metric grouping enables quick access and comparison of key data points within a specific context for data analysis and anomaly detection.
More Details: Summary Tab
AI Cohorts
Feature Update:
Introduces AI Cohorts page, which enables the cohort dimension display and configuration of custom dimensions as single or grouped dimensions for AI alerting. The AI Cohorts customize the monitored root cause groups for AI alert performance and display the cardinality of alerting cohort combinations, highlighting the scale of alert monitoring. The Conviva AI Alerting system continuously monitors specified cohorts for anomalies and establishes a baseline with an associated variation range for key metrics. Navigate to the AI Cohorts page from the AI Alerts dashboard or main navigation hamburger menu.
Click to expand the image
Use Case:
With Conviva AI alert cohorts, check the root cause groups monitored for AI alert performance and view the cardinality of alerting cohort combinations to understand the scale of the alert monitoring.
More Details: AI Cohorts
Trends -- Analysis (formerly Metrics)
Feature Update:
Renames the Trends Metrics tab to Analysis, so dimension tables and metric widgets now appear under the Analysis tab.
Click to expand the image
Date Picker -- Last 24 Hours Interval to Include Minutes
Feature Update:
Updates the Last 24 Hours interval in the date picker to include hours and minutes for precise time selection.
Click to expand the image
Use Case:
The Last 24 Hour interval in the date picker populates the hour and minute based on the system time. In this example, selecting the Last 24 Hours on October 24, 2024 at 11:45, populates the time range as October 23, 2024, 11:45 to October 24, 2024, 11:45. This enables accurate time-based analysis of the selected metrics to evaluate the system performance.
Flow Builder (Beta)
Feature Update:
Adds support to generate flow-based metrics directly from the Metric Builder page, allowing you to specify user journey details, such as starting and completion events to easily create the related metrics, such as flow duration and success rate. With flow-based metrics, highlight the critical steps for optimizing user journeys and enhancing user experience.
Click to expand the image
Use Case:
Use the Flow Builder to measure key steps in user journeys to optimize app performance and improve user experience. For example, to improve video asset access and activation, create a flow that tracks the process from searching for a video to successfully playing it. After creating the flow, ECO automatically generates the corresponding metrics for flow start, duration, and success rates, helping you adjust and fine-tune processes for asset discovery and launch.
More Details: Metric Builder
Display Secondary Metrics Automatically
Feature Update:
Adds support to display the corresponding secondary metrics for clicked metrics automatically in the Trends and the AI Alert User tab. With these secondary metrics, this update helps you better understand the impact of performance issues on users.
Click to expand the image
Use Case:
To gain more understanding of impacted users, click a Metric, such as Avg Screen Load Time, and check the metric along with the secondary metric, Screen Loads, under the Trends Users tab or the AI Alerts Users tab.
More Details: Trends
Messages for Removed Metrics and Dimensions
Feature Update:
Adds support in the Trends dashboard to display confirmation messages after previously used metrics and dimensions are removed by other users.
Click to expand the image
Use Case:
If others removed some metrics and dimensions, check the Trends dashboard to notice the removal of metrics and dimensions.
More Details: Trends
Enhanced Share Feature
Feature Update:
Updates Share in ECO with a new UI and auto-copy functionality. Clicking the Share button creates a 30-day snapshot of the dashboard and automatically copies a shareable link for collaboration.
Click to expand the image
Use Case:
Create a slice in a Trends metric widget highlighting a metric spike and share the Trends data with other users for collaboration.
More Details: Trends
Trends -- Dimension Metrics Selection
Feature Update:
Updates the Metrics in Trends with an option to add the metrics only to the dimension table.
Adds a new Dimension Metrics button in Trends.
Select a metric in dimension metric selector to add a new column of the selected metric in the dimension table.
Click to expand the image
Use Case:
Select Active Devices from the metric selector. Additionally, select the metric Active Users from Dimension Metrics to add the Active Users metric column in the dimension table for more comprehensive data analysis.
More Details: Trends.
September 2024
AI Alert Email Subscription by Severity
Feature Update:
Enhances the AI Alert Email Subscription with severity level selection and new UI controls.
Assign severity levels to each selected metric (Info and Above, Warning and Above, Critical) for more granular control over alert prioritization and notification based on predefined severity.
Easily access UI controls with a New Subscription button along with Edit and Unsubscribe icons for a better user experience.
These notifications provide an awareness of any performance issue, allowing timely troubleshooting, and optimization.
Click to expand the image
Use Case:
Set up targeted AI alert notifications based on alert severity levels to focus on issues leading to failures, while also alerting on only critical startup issues.
Alert on all severity levels by selecting the severity Info and Above for Avg Screen Load Time.
Alert on Warning and Above, and Critical severity levels for Network Request Failure.
More Details: AI Alert Email Subscription
Feature Setting - Notifications
Feature Update:
Updates the Feature Settings with a new Notifications section to enhance notification management, with easy navigation to notification settings, such as PagerDuty, Email Subscriptions, and Webhooks.
Click to expand the image
More Details: Feature Settings
Rearrange Metric Columns
Feature Update:
Adds a Rearrange icon to the metric labels in dimension tables so you can reorder metric columns. To rearrange metric columns press and drag the metric label.Custom metrics and secondary metrics remain together when either metrics is moved.
Click to expand the image
Enhanced User Timeline Index
Feature Update:
Enhances the User Timeline Index for deeper analysis and performance improvements:
Adds support in the User Timeline Index for event-related metrics and dimensions, such as App Crashes and Cities, allowing you to view and analyze these metrics and dimensions for deeper insights into user behavior and app performance.
Limits the time range of the Users dashboard to 30 days to reduce resource requirements and improve application performance.
Click to expand the image
Use Case:
Use the User Timeline Index table to investigate the root cause of app crashes. Click the Customize icon to add the App Crashes metric, then locate the sessions with the highest number of crashes, and review the session details for further analysis.
More Details: Users
Secondary Metrics for Custom Metrics
Feature Update:
Adds support for secondary metrics alongside custom metrics, improving the analysis and understanding of custom metrics.
Note: A secondary metric for the primary custom metric includes "Init#"or "Complete#" as suffixes to indicate the role of the secondary custom metric. Init#: The number of the first occurrence from the initial event to the follow-up event, both configured for the metric. Complete#: The number of attempts from the initial event to the follow-up event within a specified time constraint, both configured for the metric.
Click to expand the image
Use Case:
Quickly compare both the custom metric and its corresponding secondary metric for a more comprehensive analysis of the custom metric behavior. For example, create a custom metric called "Search to Video Play Conversion Rate" to track the conversion rate from video search to video play. The secondary metric, "Search to Video Play Conversion Rate Init," displays the total number of the first occurrence from the initial event to the follow-up event, offering further insights into the conversion process.
More Details: Trends
Enhanced Filter Builder
Feature Update:
Enhances the Trends dashboard with Inline Filters to create and update filters using saved filters, dimensions, and custom tags without opening the filter builder pop-up screen. The filter icon (with three dots) provides quick access to the filter options to save filter settings, create new filters in the filter builder, and browse saved filters.
Click to expand the image
Use Case:
For example, create an inline filter with the Asset Name as Cricket League and the Device Name as Roku, Android, and Apple TV. This filtered data enhances the data analysis to quickly identify and focus on relevant data points and drill-down to the anomaly.
More Details: Filter Builder
Preview Undeployed Metrics and Dimensions
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Feature Update:
Adds support for previewing undeployed metrics and dimensions in the Preview mode with up to 14 days of historical sampled data. In the Preview mode, you can validate the metric and dimension data before deploying them in ECO.
Click to expand the image
Use Case:
In the Preview mode, quickly check the effectiveness of new metrics using the sampled and historical data. For example, if you create a new metric called Avg Login Duration, you can validate aspects such as the metric calculation and data availability in the Preview mode before deployment. After validation, make any necessary adjustments to ensure the metric usability.
More Details: Metric Builder
More Metrics for Root Cause Analysis Mode
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Feature Update:
Adds more metrics for the Root Cause Analysis mode to have easy detection and quick analysis of root causes:
Avg DNS Lookup Time
Avg Document Response Time
Avg Largest Contentful Paint Time
Avg Perceived Page Load Time
Page Load Time
Click to expand the image
Use Case:
After creating a secondary filter for Avg Document Response Time and enabling the RCA mode, check the top three API calls in the Root Cause Hypothesis table for the longest document response duration. Check the metric values and the provided reason to analyze the root causes quickly.
More Details: ECO Trends
Removed Some Metrics and Dimensions
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Feature Update:
Removes some metrics and dimensions to reduce resource intensity and improve application performance.
Removed metrics:
User events
Ended session count(web)
Ended session count(mobile)
Removed dimensions:
User ID
Client ID
Click to expand the image
Use Case:
Check the Ended Session Count metric from the Trends dashboard and set the global filter to display only mobile or web counts of ended sessions.
More Details: Metrics
August 2024
Paths and Funnels Enhancements – Time Ranges and Global Filters
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Feature Update:
Enhances the Paths and Funnels dashboards with expanded time range and filter options.
Expands the time range from within 24 hours to within 15 days.
Removes app name as mandatory when applying global filters to enable cross-application filters in paths and funnels.
Use Case:
Create a Path diagram with a 15-day time range to analyze behaviors within a 15-day window, unlocking more scenarios such as churn and subscription analysis.
More Details: Paths and Funnels
Trends -- Layouts, Metric Widgets, Action Bar, and Export
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Feature Update:
Enhances the Trends dashboard with,
Multiple layout options for positioning metric widgets and dimension tables, enabling you to customize data displays to match your analytic preferences.
The available layout options include:
Metric widgets on top, dimension tables below (default layout)
Metric widgets on the left and dimension tables on the right
Various metric widgets and dimension table sizes, allowing you to expand or contract the displayed metric time series and dimension table values
Sticky Action menu bar (always visible) for all actions you can perform.
Adding metrics to dimension table
Append Metric: Click the metric card to append the metric on the dimension table.
Replace Metric: Click Replace Metric in Dimension Table Icon on the diagnostic metric widget to append the metrics to the existing metrics in the dimension table.
Right drawer Export Options list, allowing you to select the items you want to export.
Advance Filter and Advance Compare options are now under the Actions menu.
Use Case:
Select the layout option which allows you to tailor the dashboard’s appearance and functionality, giving you greater flexibility to interact with data in ways that align with your workflows and preferences.
More Details: Layout in Trends and Trends
Dimension Table Compare
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Feature Update:
Enhances the dimension tables to display percentages and enables shaded compare periods in diagnostic metric widgets, significantly improving data visualization and analysis.
This feature displays one additional column showing the percentage up or down against each value in the dimension table. Also, displaying the shaded portion (in grey) in the metric widget to compare the details in time series. This helps you to identify at what time the metric deviated.
Use Case:
This new feature enable users to perform a deeper data analysis by providing them with an enhanced view of date or time slice comparsions.
In this example,
Create a slice across Avg Network Request Duration spike.
Select the compare checkbox
Timeseries updates to highlight the previous duration (in grey) and the dimension table refreshes to show Avg Network Request Duration increased across dimensions.
More Details: Dimension Table Compare
Permission Control for Activation
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Feature Update:
Adds the administrative control for Activation Tools user actions, such as creating and deploying metrics, by selecting or clearing the Activation Admin checkbox on the Feature Settings page.
Note: By default, this permission is set to False for new users added or invited to Pulse. Current users with access to Activation Tools retain their current access.
Use Case:
Restrict user permissions in Activation Tools to limit event activation and metric creation to specific users.
More Details: User Management
New Dimension and Dimension Combinations for AI Alert Root Cause
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Feature Update:
Adds Country, State, and ISP as new AI alert dimensions. These new dimensions expand root cause analysis to more quickly isolate root causes and perform corrective actions.
Removes Device Name combinations to reduce duplicate alerts.
Use Case:
More precisely target and identify the root cause groups related to alert conditions, such as a recently updated app running on a specific operating system within a specific country+state dimension group (USA-California).
More Details: AI Alert
Support Webhook Notifications
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Feature Update:
Adds support for using webhooks to enable automated notifications to external systems when an AI alert triggers within ConvivaECO.
Use Case:
Enable webhooks to send AI alert notifications to PageDuty for integration alert management.
More Details: Setting Webhook Notification
Home Page of Activation
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Feature Update:
Adds a Home page to the Activation Tools, allowing you to quickly become familiar with the main activation functions such as mapping events, building metrics, and creating dimensions, and efficiently access these functions through quick links.
Use Case:
The Activation Home page provides a quick introduction to the processes and key capabilities of ECO event handling (discovery to activation) and metric building (event selection to deployment). Along with the process descriptions, this page also includes links to more detailed procedures.
More Details: Activation
Selective Deployment in Activation
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Feature Update:
Adds support for selecting specific custom metrics, custom dimensions, and mapped events for deployment. Also, shows detailed changes of each undeployed item for more clarity in event and metric management, enabling more flexibility on deployment selections.
Use Case:
To deploy only a select metric, custom dimension, or mapped event, click the Deploy button in most Activation pages, such as Semantic Mapper and Metric Builder, select the specific items on the Deployment Confirmation page, and click Deploy. The unselected items remain undeployed.
More Details: Semantic Mapper
Updated Dimension Combinations for AI Alert Root Cause
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Feature Update:
Updates some combinations including:
Device Name + OS changes to App Name + OS
Device Name + OS + OS Version changes to App Name + App Version + OS
The updated combinations allows you to more quickly isolate root causes and perform corrective actions.
Use Case:
More precisely target and identify the root cause group related to alert conditions, such as a recently updated app running on a specific operating system, based on the App Name + App Version + OS AI alert dimension group.
More Details: AI Alert
July 2024
Support Clone for Metrics, Dimensions, and Mapped Events
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Feature Update:
Adds support for cloning custom metrics, custom dimensions, and mapped events to streamline the process of creating similar metrics, dimensions and mapped events.
Use Case:
Quickly create a custom metric that is similar to an existing metric. Locate the current metric in the Management table, click Clone, and modify only the settings for the new metric. For example, to quickly create a metric based on an existing metric, clone the existing metric and update the cloned version with the new settings, such as changing the length of the duration.
More Details: Management
Support More Metrics for AI Alerts
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Feature Update:
Adds support for monioring these out-of-box metrics to help you get deeper and richer levels of alerting and allow you to more quickly isolate root causes and perform corrective actions:
Network Request Failure
Avg Perceived Page Load Time
Use Case:
In the AI Alert dashboard:
Check the Network Request Failure metric to operationalize Service Performance use cases and quickly identify and diagnose sudden anomalies in 4xx and 5xx HTTP response codes, such as 404 Page not found and 503 Service unavailable.
Check the Avg Perceived Page Load Time metric to get more accurate insights and detect anomalies, as you can adjust when you use the Track_Page_View event.
More Details: AI Alert
Add Event Aggregate Metrics
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Feature Update:
Adds Event Aggregation type metrics in Metric Builder to create aggregate metrics based on a source metric:
Number: The count of occurences of the source metric.
Total Value: The sum of the event attribute values.
Avgerage Total: The average or mean of the event attribute values.
Use Case:
Create custom metrics based on the count, total event attribute values or average event attribute values, such as the average network request duration to monitor the average duration across all network requests.
More Details: Metric Builder
Display App Crashes and Web Errors Value
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Feature Update:
Adds App Crashes and Web Error metrics in the Trends dimension tables and other dashboards:
In the Stack Trace and Error Message dimension tables in Trends and Event Preset dashboards.
In Custom dashboards that use Event as the data source.
Use Case:
Check the values of App Crashes and Web Errors in the Stack Trace and Error Message in the Dimension Table of the Trends Dashboard to gain insights for analyzing the root cause of app crashes and web errors. For example, locate the error message associated with the majority of app crashes, then drill down into that error message for root cause analysis.
More Details: Preset, Trends, and Custom Dashboard
Share a User Dashboard
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Feature Update:
Adds support for sharing a User dashboard, allowing others to analyze and collaborate on the user’s experience.
Use Case:
To share a User dashboard with others, click the Share icon, copy the link, and share the link with others. For example, to collaborate on a user timeline, during which the user experienced unsuccess network requests and 401 response codes, share the User dashboard with colleagues to help discover the cause of the 401 response codes.
More Details: User Dashboard
More Dimension Combinations for AI Alert Root Cause
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Feature Update:
Adds support for showing more dimension combinations for AI alert root cause groups, including:
App Name + Host
App Name + App Version + Device Name
Device Name + Operating System
Device Name + Operating System + OS Version
These combinations provide deeper and richer levels of alerting based on the target root cause group and allow you to more quickly isolate root causes and perform corrective actions.
Use Case:
More precisely target and identify the root cause group related to alert conditions, such as a recently updated app version running on a specific device type.
More Details: AI Alert
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Feature Update:
Enables you to find accurate event names and tags in real-time while using your application, helping you prepare for event mapping and metrics building.
Use Case:
Find accurate event names and tags in real-time while using an application. For example, log in to your web application and use Livelens to quickly identify the raw events occurring during your login, such as authentication API calls, login button clicks, or success tokens. With the raw events, you can perform event mapping and metrics creation to monitor the login process duration.
More Details: LiveLens
Remove Data Dip for Partial Data in the Last Time Series Data Bucket
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Feature Update:
Removes the last partial data bucket by dropping any partial data in the last time series data bucket if there is a delay in data ingestion, no data availability from the source, or only partial data available in the data bucket, based on the selected granularity and the specified date and time range.
Use Case:
For example, the date picker sets the range from July 17 at 20:56 to July 18 at 02:53 with a granularity of 5 minutes. The last time series data bucket spans from 20:56 to 02:46, resulting in only 7 minutes of data, which would likely cause a dip in the time series due to partial data availability. Therefore, the partial data in that data bucket, which would cause an observable drop or dip in the last data bucket in the time series, is no longer shown.
More Details: Trends
Metrics List in the Management Tab
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Feature Update:
Adds support for showing a holistic list of all existing custom metrics in the Metric Builder, including details of metric creators, update time, and deployment time.
Use Case:
Check custom metrics in a more convenient way. In the Metrics tab, quickly confirm custom metrics status, along with mapped event names, creators, update time and deployment time in the Metrics tab.
More Details: Management
Real-Time (NoC) Dashboard -- Green Bar
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Feature Update:
Enhances the Green bar in the Real-Time dashboard with,
A toggle (inside toggle settings) to switch on and off the green bars. When you need to focus on the Red or Yellow bars, you can switch off the green bars using this toggle.
The green bar appears only when the audience and the metric threshold (Conviva or Custom) are met. If the metric threshold is missing or the Audience threshold is not met, the background colour remains grey.
Use Case:
This feature actively monitors critical streaming KPIs, indicating performance through green and red bars with threshold data for easier analysis and quick identification of changes in QoE metrics. When you need to focus on the Red or Yellow bars, you can switch off the green bars using the toggle for a better user experience.
More Details: Real-Time
June 2024
Percentage of Total
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Feature Update:
Enhances the dimension data in Trends with Percentage of Total, indicating the metric value for each dimension as a percentage of the total dimension metric value within the selected time period. In this example, the Spain value has 1.17% of the total sessions with Web Errors in the country dimension.
Use Case:
This new feature provides the details of the impacted percentage contribution of dimension entities, offering better insights during data analysis. For example, you can see the percentage of Web Errors by geographic location or the percentage of Page Loads from each browser.
More Details: ECO Trends
Dimension Table Compare (Beta)
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Feature Update:
Enhances the dimension tables to display percentages and enables shaded compare periods in diagnostic metric widgets, significantly improving data visualization and analysis.
This feature displays one additional column showing the percentage up or down against each value in the dimension table. Also, displaying the shaded portion (in grey) in the metric widget to compare the details in time series. This helps you to identify at what time the metric deviated.
Use Case:
This new feature enable users to perform a deeper data analysis by providing them with an enhanced view of date or time slice comparsions.
In this example,
Create a slice across Avg Network Request Duration spike.
Select the compare checkbox
Timeseries updates to highlight the previous duration (in grey) and the dimension table refreshes to show Avg Network Request Duration increased across dimensions.
More Details: Table Compare
Percentile Selections for Network Request Duration
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Feature Update:
Adds support for percentile Network Request Duration settings to enable more precise analysis beyond basic average duration, especially useful when a large number of outliers impact the average.
Use Case:
To improve metric actionability and clarify the impacts of extreme outliers, select a percentile aggregation type, such as P90 or P95, to more clearly understand the user experience of 90% or 95% of the users.
More Details: Preset
Updated Network Request Tab
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Feature Update:
Updates the Network Request tab on the Trends dashboard and the Server Side Performance preset dashboard, including:
Removing the Network Request Duration and Network Request Response Code tree maps.
Replacing the dimension tables with a refined table showing data under the columns: Network Request Host, Network Request Path, Network Request Query, Response Code, Network Request Duration, and Trace ID.
These updates provide a more convenient and efficient way to check data related to network requests and avoid displaying duplicated tree maps.
Use Case:
To analyze network request performance, check the data from the Network Request tab, such as the longest network request duration, and the related Trace ID to drill down to the root cause of long network request durations.
More Details: ECO Trends
Filter Event and Network Request Data Using Secondary Filter
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Feature Update:
Adds secondary filter support to Avg Network Request Duration distribution in both Trends dashboard and Server Side Performance preset dashboard, enabling drill-down analysis on events and network request dimensions with data from only the sessions with the selected duration range.
This update also enhances the automatic root cause analysis (RCA) feature in the Server Side Performance preset dashboard with the ability to focus RCA on sessions with specific duration ranges, such as session with durations greater than 5 seconds.
Use Case:
Apply a secondary filter in the Avg Network Request Duration to focus root cause analysis on only sessions with high network request durations, such as greater than 5 seconds. Check the automatic RCA feature for recommended root causes. Also, apply a secondary to very low request durations to highlight the attributes of high-performing requests.
More Details: ECO Trends
May 2024
Drill-down from Custom Dashboard to Trends
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Feature Update:
Enhances the Custom dashboard by adding a Focus button for detailed data analysis. This enables users to access an enhanced view of the selected dimension tag as a filter in Pulse.
This feature,
Provides the enhanced view of the selected metric along with the dimension data updated based on the filter applied.
Displays the the Focus button next to the dimension tag on hover. Clicking the focus button enables you to view the dashboard with the selected dimension tag as the filter.
Use Case:
This new feature provides a single click option to drill-down to the selected dimension tag, by providing an enhanced view of the selected dimension tag as a filter in Pulse. This allows you to have a in depth data analysis .
More Details: Custom Dashboards
Share Copied Configurations of Paths and Funnel
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Feature Update:
Adds support for sharing copied configurations of Paths and Funnel based on existing ones with other users. Other users can view and edit the shared configurations.
Use Case:
To share copied Paths configurations with others, click the Share icon, copy the link, and share the link with others.
More Details: Funnel (Beta) and Paths (Beta)
Funnel Chart (Beta)
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Feature Update:
Adds support for a new Funnel dashboard to show event conversion rate funnel charts. The funnel charts visualize conversion rate progress across selected events, such as starting login process to login success, and dimensions, such as cities, for quick insights into experience-centric performance and issue discover.
Use Case:
Easily track conversion rates across dimensions for key app performance levels, such as login success, subscription signups, and purchase checkouts.
More Details: Funnel (Beta)
Easy Access to Server Side Performance and Events View from Trends
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Feature Update:
To improve the user experience for event level analysis, dimensions related to Server Side Performance and Events views are now highlighted in Trends, allowing easy access to these views. These dimensions exhibit slightly different behavior compared to the other dimensions.
In the Dimension Table, click any dimension value to navigate to the respective view with the clicked dimension value as the primary filter for further analysis.
In the Dimension Table, click the icon near the dimension heading to be directed to the respective view with the primary filter set to All Traffic for further analysis.
Use Case:
In the Dimension Table, click the icon near the dimension heading of Network Requests to quickly analyze the server-side performance with metric widgets set up for durations, response codes, and failures, along with drill-down tables for related dimensions, such as URL path/host, application version, and device name.
More Details: Preset
Support More ECO Data Sources
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Feature Update:
Support more ECO data sources in Custom Dashboards and you can select a specific ECO data source based on the data requirements.
Use Case:
To create a custom dashboard focused on network performance analysis, select ECO (Network Performance) to quickly access network performance data in the dashboard setup options.
More Details: Custom Dashboards
Root Cause Analysis Mode
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Feature Update:
Adds a RCA Mode toggle between root cause analysis across network API calls and general dimension tables for easy detection and quick analysis of root causes. Supported only when using one of these metrics as a secondary filter:
Avg App Startup Time
Avg Network Request Duration
Avg Screen Load Time
Avg Page Load Time
Use Case:
After creating a secondary filter for Avg Network Request Duration and enabling the RCA mode, check the top three API calls in the Root Cause Hypothesis table for the longest network request duration. Check the metric values and the provided reason to analyze the root causes quickly.
More Details: ECO Trends
Enhanced Dimension Selectors in Trends
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Feature Update:
Update the dimension selectors in Trends to enable more efficient selection of desired dimensions.
Use Case:
In Trends, open the dimension selector and quickly select the customerId dimension under the Global Tags category.
More Details: ECO Trends
April 2024
Enhanced Preset Dashboards
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Feature Update:
Enhances the preset dashboards for more efficient feature access:
Improvise preset dashboards to provide more efficient and context-based dashboards for better analysis.
Updated preset dashboards are now available upon your next log-in to the application. Click Reset in the kebab icon Action list to return the default preset dashboard settings.
Redefine the metrics, dimensions, and filters included in the preset dashboards, enabling more efficient data analysis and feature use.
Display Preset dashboards in new browser tabs to help simplify the use of Pulse tabs.
Use Case:
Use the Events dashboard preset to quickly create metrics widgets and dimensions for enhanced app event tracking.
More Details: Preset
Real-Time Dashboard (GA)
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Feature Update:
Adds support for real-time dashboard to visually present metrics for actionable streaming intelligence in real-time. By leveraging selected filters and dimensions, you can actively monitor the performance of the most critical streaming KPIs. Visual threshold crossing indicators enhance this monitoring process, enabling quick identification and correlation of changes in metrics.
Use Case:
This feature allows to actively monitor the performance of their most critical streaming KPIs, with clear green and red bars indication with threshold data to easier data analysis quick identification and correlation of changes in metrics.
More Details: Real-Time
Enhanced User Dashboard
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Feature Update:
Improves the User dashboard functions with separate sections for user timeline index, user timeline summary, and session event data. These updated sections enable easy visibility into session behavior and user experience.
Use Case:
Quickly browse information layers to discover session impact details. For example, check the data from User Timeline Index to analyze overall app behaviors, then click the event time stamp when an app crash occurred and view the detailed data of conviva_application_error/crash from User Timeline.
More Details: User Dashboard
Filter Management Layout
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Feature Update:
Enhances the Filter Management with a Left Category pane providing different filter categories.
Introduces a New Filter option to enhance filter creation and a filter ID column for easier data sorting.
This feature displays the filter categories on the left category pane for easier data analysis. Also, providing a +New Filter button to create new filters and a filter ID column.
Use Case:
You can now easily sort the filters based on different categories. You can also create filters by clicking the New Filter button.
More Details: Filter Management
AI Alert Diagnostics - Summary
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Feature Update:
Enhances the AI Alert Diagnostics Dashboard with Cumulative Total Unique Devices details to the alert summary section to providing more insights to the alert summary. Cumulative Total Unique Devices refers to the total number of distinct devices that accessed or streamed content over a specific period of time. CTUD aggregates all these individual device counts over time, providing a comprehensive view of how many different devices have interacted with the streaming platform.
In this example considering there are 1000 devices, 255 devices attempt to play a video and out of which 137 devices exits before video starts. Hence the Cumulative Total Unique Devices (CTUD) is 255 and Cumulative Impacted Unique Devices (CIUD) is 137, which is 53.72%.
Use Case:
This feature allows to actively monitor Cumulative Total Unique Devices of an alert to track the platform's overall reach among users.
More Details: AI Alerts
Enhanced Real-Time Dashboard (Beta)
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Feature Update:
Enhances the Real-Time dashboard with,
View Threshold button for easy access to Manage Threshold page.
Auto Sort toggle button for better user experience.
Threshold toggle button in Manage Threshold page for better user experience.
This feature provides the View Threshold button to easiler access to Manage Threshold page. Also the hamberger icon is introduced instead of a kebab Icon with Auto Sort and Threshold toggles in Real-Time and Manage Threshold page respectively.
The Real-Time dashboard shows real-time QoE metrics for streaming intelligence. Users monitor critical streaming KPIs with filters and visual indicators to identify QoE changes quickly.
Use Case:
This feature allows to actively monitor the performance of their most critical streaming KPIs, with clear green, yellow, and red bars indication with threshold data to easier data analysis quick identification and correlation of changes in QoE metrics.
More Details: Real-Time Dashboard
March 2024
Enhanced Custom Dimension Creation
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Feature Update:
Improves custom dimension creation by adding support for selecting a tag key associated with a type, such as event or global, and for including mapped event selections to define the custom dimension values. These updates enable greater flexibility in custom dimension creation, such as creating a Player dimension with the dimension values extracted from the start and end login events.
Use Case:
To create a custom dimension for players, select Player Name as the event tag key with dimension values extracted from the play start and play end events. In Trends, select this Player custom dimension to analyze performance metrics across the player dimensions.
More Details: Custom Dimension
Sankey Chart
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Feature Update:
Adds support for Sankey dashboard to create a Sankey chart for showing the journey of events visually. The Sankey chart allows you to understand the sequence of events and the composition of events, helping you gain insights for metric creation and potential issue identification.
Use Case:
Easily understand the sequence of events and gain insights for metric creation.
More Details: Sankey
Support More Metrics and Custom Threshold in Real-Time (Beta)
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Feature Update:
Adds support to allow you to select all metrics and set custom thresholds for monitoring them in the Real-Time dashboard.
Use Case:
Set a 20% threshold for the Web Errors metric and monitor the metric in the Real-Time dashboard.
More Details: Real-Time
Single AI Alert Sensitivity Config Page
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Feature Update:
Enhances AI Alerts Sensitivity with a single new right drawer config sensitivity page. This feature displays all the metrics in a single page, allowing you to set the severity values for all metrics simultaneously.
Use Case:
This feature lets you simultaneously set the severity values for all metrics while monitoring the AI Alerts.
More Details: AI Alert Sensitivity
Deprecate Old Compare and Error Diagnostics
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Feature Update:
Deprecates Old Compare and Error Diagnostics in Pulse. With this update, the saved compare and error diagnostics dashboards will now display within Trends. In addition to the Error diagnostics functionality, you can utilize all the benefits of Trends functionalities, such as adding more dimensions and switching between error codes, enabling better analysis.
Use Case:
This feature lets you utilize the functionalities of both Error diagnostics and Trends for deeper data analysis.
More Details: Trends Dashboard
February 2024
Custom Dimension List
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Feature Update:
Adds support to select custom dimensions in the dimension table drop-down list under the Semantic Mapper tab, explore events using a custom dimension as a filter, and edit the custom dimensions directly from the list.
Use Case:
Easily check the dimension values for a specific dimension and update the dimension directly in the Semantic Mapper tab.
More Details: Semantic Mapper
Manage Custom Dimensions
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Feature Update:
Adds support for managing custom dimensions created in Semantic Mapper including deleting custom dimensions, enabling an efficient way to manage all custom dimensions and improve drill downs in Trends.
Use Case:
Quickly review created custom dimensions along with their status, mapped tag keys, and update history in the Custom Dimension tab.
Delete any unused custom dimensions from the Custom Dimension tab to organize your data effectively.
More Details: Custom Dimension
Error Messages with Compare
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Feature Update:
Adds quick error code comparisons in Trends. This feature displays a new Compare To Filters icon for quick comparison of the top error codes, along with the + symbol next to each error code for individual code selection. Compare Filters appear under the primary filter. Clicking a filtered error code highlights the impacts in the metric widgets.
You can use filtered error codes alongside other dimension drill-downs to analyze advanced error codes. Clicking the Compare button in the dimension tables opens the Compare Filter Builder for advanced filter options, such as equals and not equals.
Use Case:
This feature enables you to easily compare metric deviations of related errors, such as Multiple DRM Errors or multiple Network-related errors.
More Details: Compare
Real-Time Dashboard (Beta)
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Feature Update:
Adds support for real-time dashboard to visually present metrics for actionable streaming intelligence in real-time. By leveraging selected filters and dimensions, you can actively monitor the performance of the most critical streaming KPIs. Visual threshold crossing indicators enhance this monitoring process, enabling quick identification and correlation of changes in metrics.
Use Case:
This feature allows to actively monitor the performance of their most critical streaming KPIs, with clear green and red bars indication with threshold data to easier data analysis quick identification and correlation of changes in metrics.
More Details: Real-Time
Introducing Conviva ECO
We are excited to release the GA version of Conviva ECO, Conviva's Experience-Centric Operations application. ECO enables you to optimize every user experience in an application, prioritizing the issues that impact experiences that matter most:
Sign Up Experience
Login Experience
Content Discovery Experience
Playback Experience
Use Client IDs to Query Data
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Feature Update:
Adds support for using Client IDs to drill down into session timelines for comprehensive analysis.
Feature Impact:
Uses Client ID as the first column when opening the Users tab, followed by User ID, and adds the UI elements:
Clicking a Client ID opens the User Timeline page and shows the selected Client ID in the drop down list. The page also shows the corresponding device name and user ID.
Renames applicaton_error to application_error/crash in the Event Section.
Use Case:
Click an impacted Client ID to analyze complete user experience in the selected period, including the experience occurring before users log into the application successfully. The client ID data enables a more in-depth analysis than relying on data based on the user ID.
More Details: User Timeline
Drill Down to App Events and Server Side Performance
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Feature Update:
Adds support to open both App Event and Server Side Performance directly with a specific filter from the Trends page, including:
Open the App Events preset page when clicking the drill-down icon next to the event name, tag key or tag value. The event name, tag key or tag value is the filter of the App Events page.
Open the Server Side Performance preset page when clicking the drill-down icon next to the network-related items, including network request http method, network request response code, network request url host, network request url path, network request url port, network request query, and network request url scheme. The network-related item is the filter of the Server Side Performance page.
Feature Impact:
Adds drill-down icons next to the items related to the App Events preset page and the Server Side Performance preset page, such as event name and tag value.
Use Case:
This feature enables a more convenient way to drill down into a specific event and check the related data in the preset page. For example, click the drill down icon next to an event name and the App Event preset page opens, displaying all related data with the event name as a filter.
More Details: Preset
January 2024
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Feature Update:
Enhances the Compare feature in Trends to ten top filters from five, with addition summary table and drill down to the filter.
Feature Impact:
This features displays top ten dimensions in the compare filter bar with a new addition table and drill down icon. In addition, other new UI options enable advanced compare features such as compare summary table, quick drill down to the single filter dashboard, and toggle compare data.
Use Case:
You can easily compare the details of all the ten dimensions to provide a deeper data analysis for anomaly detection. You can also perform advanced compare analysis using the compare summary table, quick drill downs to single filter dashboard and toggle individual compare data.
More Details: Compare
Rolling Window Option for Saved Dashboards
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Feature Update:
Enhances the Saved Dashboard option with Rolling Time-Window facility.
Feature Impact:
This features provides the option to save the dashboard with Rolling or Fixed time.
Use Case:
You can save the dashboard with rolling time to see the data on as per the selected timeline.
If you save a dashboard with the Last 6 hours option, it will dynamically display data from the past 6 hours to the current time when opened.
If you the save the dashboard with the fixed option, the dashboard always shows the data of the selected time.
More Details: Saving Dashboard
New Custom Dimension
Feature Update:
Adds support for creating new custom dimensions based on your application event keys to enable more flexible analysis of application performance and user behaviors.
Feature Impact:
Adds the New Custom Dimension tab in Semantic Mapper to create custom dimensions based on mapped events.
Use Case:
Create a custom dimension based on the Player Name event key to enable the analysis of application performance across different player dimensions in the Trends dashboard.
More Details: New Custom Dimension
Metric Filter in Trends
Feature Update:
Adds support for applying metric filters to distribution-supported metrics in trends, enabling a second level of drill-down to the data analysis.
Feature Impact:
Adds new UI elements to support this feature, including:
Metric Filters [SF] bar after selecting a distribution bucket from a metric widget.
Corresponding secondary metrics and companion metrics in the dimension table.
Corresponding Sampled Secondary Filters [SSF] data in the Network Request tab.
Use Case:
Examine instances where app sessions exhibit higher-than-normal metrics, such as average page load time, network response duration, screen load time, time per page, app startup time, and time to first attempt.
Evaluate the magnitude of the impact to effectively prioritize resolutions.
Identify the specific network request URLs responsible for prolonged load times.
Investigate the error codes linked to these network requests and assess their impact.
More Details: Metric Filter
Displaying Entire Stack Trace and Error Messages
Feature Update:
Adds support for displaying entire stack trace and error messages in a wide modal window, enhancing your work efficiency for acquiring necessary data during debugging.
Feature Impact:
Adds the View errors icon in the dimension table of the Trends dashboard to enable the display of the related stack trace and error messages in a wide modal window.
Use Case:
When viewing app performance metrics, quickly access related stack traces and error messages for additional diagnostics, such as null data issues.
More Details: Entire Stack Trace and Error Messages
2023 Releases
For Conviva ECO 2023 releases, see ECO 2023 Releases.