Semantic Mapper


The Semantic Mapper tab provides two convenient methods for mapping events to mapped events, namely Map New Event and Quick Map. These options allow you to map events based on your specific requirements.

After deploying the mapped events, the mapped events appear as dimension data to enable deeper analysis using dimensional drill-down.

Note: When mapping video events to track video metrics, be aware that a single app session in Conviva ECO may have multiple video attempt and/or video play events due to recurring pause and play actions. As a result, several video metrics compiled from Conviva ECO events, such as plays and attempts, will show different metric values from the Conviva Video metrics. For more details, see ECO Events and Video Metrics.

Map New Event

This option provides a comprehensive mapping process, enabling you to define and configure semantic events step by step. It offers flexibility and precision in mapping events based on your unique needs.

Explore the Events

The Semantic Mapper page allows you to view all events you provided to Conviva and explore events to decide which events that require mapping.

Note: If you have a clear understanding of the events that need to be mapped and the corresponding tag key and tag value, skip the exploring process.

  1. To access the Semantic Mapper page, from the ECO application, select Data Modeling.

    Four drop down lists display on the page by default and allow you to view all events, event tag keys, event tag values, and mapped events. Click Add Dimension to add dimension drop down list to help you explore events.

  2. To view the unmapped events in the specific time range, in the time range bar, select your desired time range, such as May 24 to May 26.

  3. Check the unmapped events and confirm which unmapped event requires mapping based on these points:

    • Consolidate event names to simplify event recognition.

    • Group related events to optimize event presentation and correlate app activities.

  4. For example, the event screen_view does not indicate which kind of screen viewers viewed. Map the event with the tag key screen_name and the tag value login_welcome to Login Screen View. This mapping assists in clearly identifying and analyzing a viewer behavior when the viewer views the login screen.

  5. This mapping assists in clearly identifying and analyzing a viewer behavior when the viewer views the login screen.

  6. Confirm the event tag key and event tag value for the event you want to map.

    1. To filter all data related with the event, from the dimensional list, click the event. For example, double click screen_view.

    2. From the drop-down list, select Event Tag Key, and then click the specific item of tag key. For example, you want to map screen_view to a clear event that shows which kind of screen viewers viewed. You need to click screen_name.

    3. From the drop-down list, select Event Tag Value to view all the tag values of the event tag key, and confirm the event tag values.

      For example, for the event screen_view with the screen_name tag key, the event tag values are login_welcome, login_username, login_link, and so on. You want a single mapped event that indicates viewers viewed login screen, so the event tag values is login_welcome.

Set Mapping Rules and Deploy Mapped Events

After confirming the event that needs to be mapped, and the related event tag key and event tag value, you need to set mapping rules for mapping events.

  1. To access the page, click +Map New Event from the main page.

  2. Fill up the fields in Set Mapping Rules by using one of the options:

    • If you have previously explored events using the mentioned steps, click Map This to set the rules automatically.

      When setting the tag value, you have several conditions and rule options available, including "contains", "not contains", "equals", and "not equals", as well as "or" and "and" rules.


      For the event _user.login with the event_action tag key, the event tag values are Success and success if you want to a mapped event that indicates the success login. Use one of the options.

      • Option A: Set the tag Value to contain uccess.

      • Option B: Set a tag value to equal Success, click “Add OR Rule” and then set the tag value to equal success.

    • If you have a clear understanding of the events that need to be mapped and the corresponding tag key and tag value, follow the step:

      • From the drop-down list of Event Name, Tag Key and Tag Value, select the event name, tag key and tag value. For example, select screen_view, screen_name, and login_welcome.

        Note: You have multiple conditions and rule options at your disposal when configuring the tag value. Refer to the previous note for further details.

  3. Select a suitable category and type the event name in the Set Mapped Event field. For example, use Login Screen View as the mapped name and select Login/Logout.

  4. Click Save.

  5. On the Semantic Mapper page, click Deploy, select the specific items on the Deployment Confirmation page, and click Deploy.

  6. After deploying, you can check the total number of the mapped events on the Semantic Mapper page and also use the mapped events as dimension values on the Trends page.

Quick Map

Quick Map allows you to quickly convert the events that do not require any mapping rules to mapped events. This feature enables you to perform rapid mapping for multiple events simultaneously, saving you valuable time and effort.

  1. To open the map page, click Quick Map from the main page.

  2. On the Quick Map page, from the drop-down list on the left, select all the events that you want to map.

  3. In the Quick Map field, select suitable category and set mapped names.

  4. To complete the mapping, click Map Selected Events.

Block Event

Block Event allows you to efficiently prevent the reporting of irrelevant or meaningless events from the sensor, ensuring the accuracy and relevancy of your data.

  1. To access the Block Event page, click Block Event from the main page.

  2. On the “Set Block Rules” section, from the “Block Event Name” drop-down list, select the event that you want to block. For example, choose conviva_network_request.

  3. To set block rules, choose one of the options based on your requirements.

    • To block all the events that you selected in step 2, select Block All.

    • To block the specific events that are based on the events you selected in step 2, select Block if…, and fill out the key values that the specific event owns. You can add multiple block rules for different specific events by clicking Add OR Rule.

      For example, if you want to block the conviva_network_request event that triggered when loading images, select Block if…, and fill out the key values as .png, .jepg, and .jpg.

  4. To apply the block rules that you set, click Block Event from the top right corner.

Create Custom Dimension

Create custom dimensions with values extracted from events to enhance your analysis of application performance and user behaviors. With custom dimensions, analyze application performance and user behaviors more efficiently based on a flexible dimension value, such as the dimension value is only extracted from the play start and play end events.

For example, create a custom dimension based on the Player Name event tag key and select mapped events to determine the dimension values. This new dimension enable the analysis of application player performance across different player dimensions in the Trends dashboard.

  1. Click New Custom Dimension.

  2. Select a tag key either is a global type or event type from the drop-down list.

    Note: The global tag keys, such as duration and targetUrl, apply to all events. Event tag keys apply to only the specific mapped events.

    Note: When creating a custom dimension and entering a tag key name, the Tag Key list displays up to 500 matching tag keys. If the tag key is not displayed in the list, find the desired tag key in the tag key table, click the kebab icon next to the tag key name, and click New Custom Dimension to add the tag key to the Tag Key field in the Custom Dimension area.

  3. For event specific tag keys, select the events from which the dimension values are extracted. By deafult, select all mapped events. If you want to use specific mapped events, perform these steps:

    Note: Global tag keys exist in all events, so mapped event selection is not required.

    1. Select the mapped event containing the tag key selected in previous step from the field.

    2. (Optional) To add more mapped events for the custom dimension values, click Add and select a mapped event. For example, selecting both play start and play end events to extract dimension values for a play duration dimension.

      Note: If the event you want to add does not appear in the mapped event list, use the Map New Event tab to map the event so it appears in the list.

  4. In the Set Custom Dimension field, set the dimension name.

  5. In the Trends dashboard, click + Dimension from the Dimension table, and check whether the created dimension is in the Custom list. Select the check box to apply the new dimension to the dimension tables.

  6. (Optional) To edit a custom dimension, choose either:

    • Go to the Management tab, edit the custom dimension from the Custom Dimension table. For more information, check Management.

    • Go to the Semantic Mapper tab, select the desired custom dimension from the dimension drop-down list, click edit, and make necessary updates.

Map New Event Map New Event semantic mapper semantic mapper quick map quick map block map block map mapped events mapped events blocked events blocked events Create Custom Dimension Create Custom Dimension