Custom Dashboards for ECO


Custom dashboards enable the combination of widgets and display options to highlight the insights that are most meaningful to your users and business. Customized widgets display metrics and dimensions in table, summary metric, distribution, time series, and bar.

By selecting ECO as the data source when creating a custom dashboard, you can have the custom dashboard used for ECO, such as tracking the app crashes on different hardware to analyze the app performance.

For more details regarding custom dashboards creation steps and features, check Custom Dashboards.

Use Cases

A Map Chart Creation

Custom dashboards allow you to easily display metrics and dimensions in a map chart format within widgets. The map chart enables an intuitive way to check metrics from geographical perspectives, such as country, state, and city.

Multiple Data Sources

Custom dashboards allow you to use multiple data sources when creating a single custom dashboard to enhance analysis across your video streams, ads, and application performance.

Note: Page-level filters are not available when using multiple data sources.

Overall Analysis

Custom dashboards allow you to easily analyze app and web performances and related factories, such as the number of active devices, app crashes, web errors, and active devices over the time, by creating different formats of widgets with necessary metrics.

Custom Dashboards ECO Custom Dashboards ECO