

The Management tab allows you to effectively manage events to optimize your data model and metrics, including tasks for searching events, reviewing mapped and blocked events, and deploying/undeploying specific events to support your performance monitoring goals.


Custom metrics are created based on mapped events. With custom metrics, analyze application performance and user behaviors more efficiently and flexibly.

The Metrics tab allows you to easily review created custom metrics and associated details such as status, mapped events, and updates made by users.

Searching Custom Metrics

To quickly find a custom metric, enter a portion of its name. For a more refined search, select the Show Filters check box and select the filter conditions to match the desired metrics.

Mapped Events

Use the Mapped Events table to easily review the current mapped events names and associated details such as status, category, and related metrics. You can also perform various management actions to optimize the mapped events, such as undeploying and deleting unused events.

Searching Mapped Events

  • To quickly locate a mapped event, simply enter part of its name.

  • For a more refined search, select the Show Filters check box and select the filter conditions to match the desired events.

Editing Mapped Events

If the mapped event is unsuitable, you can directly update the mapped event in the Management tab.

  1. Find the mapped event you wish to modify and click its name.

  2. The pop-up window displays event details. Click Edit, edit the event, such as the name, category, and mapping rules, and click Save Changes.

Blocked Events

Block event allows you to efficiently prevent the reporting of irrelevant or meaningless events from the sensor, ensuring the accuracy and relevancy of your data. With the Blocked Events table , you can easily review the blocked events names and associated details such as type, blocked date, and blocked by. You can also perform various management actions such as unblocking and editing these events.

Searching Blocked Events

  • To quickly find a blocked event, enter part of its name.

  • For a more refined search, select the Show Filters check box and select the filter conditions to match the desired events.

Editing Blocked Events

If the blocked event is unsuitable, you need to make updates, such as modifying the note and adjusting the block rules.

  1. Locate a blocked event that you want to edit.

  2. To access the pop-up window for editing, either click the blocked event name or click Details.

  3. The pop-up window displays event details. Click Edit, edit the event, such as the name, category, and mapping rules, and click Save Changes.

Custom Dimension

Custom dimensions are extracted from event keys to provide enhanced levels of dimensional analaysis in Trends dimension tables and AI alerts. With custom dimensions, analyze application performance and user behaviors more efficiently and flexibly.

The Custom Dimension tab allows you to easily review created custom dimensions and associated details such as status, mapped tag keys, and updates made by users. You can also perform various management actions such as deploying or undeploying each dimension, as well as editing and deleting these dimensions. Create custom dimensions using Semantic Mapper.

Note: Deleting a dimension that is already used in dashboards or filters results in the dimension becoming unavailable for further use. Additionally, pop-up messages appear in dashboards and filters after deletion.

Searching Custom Dimensions

To quickly find a custom dimension, enter a portion of its name.

Editing Custom Dimensions

To make updates to a custom dimension, such as modifying its name or tag key:

  1. Locate the custom dimension you want to edit.

  2. To access the pop-up window for editing, click the custom dimension name.

  3. In the pop-up window, click Edit, make the necessary changes, and click Save Changes.

Configure Network Request

The Configure Network Request tab allows you to set collection rules for conviva_network_request events. When the rules are configured, the Conviva sensor will collect events that match these rules. You can then select the collected events as raw data for mapping, if necessary. The Management tab also displays all configured collection rules for review and update.

Network request data collection rules can be configured for multiple categories, such as metadata usage, EMP query fields, GraphQL, tag value, and metrics API.

Collection Rule Order

Network request collection rules are applied based first on the most recently changed rules, and then the rules following the displayed category order. When a network request does not meet any configured rule in a category, the collection rule matching process stops and that network request data is not passed to ECO.

There are two methods for collecting conviva_network_request events: blocked events and collection rules.

  • Blocked events: blocks events matching blocked event criteria and collects all other conviva_network_request events.

  • Collection rules: collects events matching allowed event criteria and blocks all other conviva_network_request events.

Note: Events matching the blocked events criteria are blocked even if they also match any collection rules.

Creating Collection Rules

  1. To begin creating rules, click Add New on the left side.

  2. To set rules, fill out the fields in the right pane:

    1. Input the condition name in the Condition Name field.

    2. Select one of the URL conditions:

      • ALL: Enables rules to take effect on all conviva_network_request events.

      • Contains: Enables rules to take effect on events containing the target URL.

    3. To set collection rules, input request header, request payload, response header, and response body separately.

    Note: Click Add to include more rules if necessary.

  3. Click Save. The Conviva sensor will collect the conviva_network_request events that match the rules.

Cloning Metrics, Dimensions, and Events

To simplify the process of creating metrics, dimensions, and events similar to existing ones, you can start with a clone of an existing settings and modify only the required changes.

  1. Click the Clone icon in:

    • Tables for the Metrics, Custom Dimensions, and Mapped Events in the Activation dashboard Management tab

    • Metric, Custom Dimension, or Mapped Event Details pages

  2. Click Save to apply the updates.

Management tab Management tab Clone Metric Clone Custom dimension Custom dimension Custom dimension Configure Network Requests Configure Network Requests Block Events block events mapped events