Metric Builder


Metric Builder enables you to build custom duration, conversion, and event aggregation metrics based on the mapped events to analyze data for complex scenarios, such as analyzing video playtime after a viewer logs into an account.

  • Duration Metric: Measures the time interval between two events, such as the duration between the login screen event and the login success event.

  • Conversion Metric: Measures the count or conversion rates of events from one stage to another, such as the count of sessions with successful login after opening the login screen.

  • Event Aggregation Metric: Measure the number of events, or calculates the value of event attributes, such as the average duration of network requests.

Metric Builder provides templates for guided metric creation and a custom metric creation process to build your own metrics.

After creating custom metrics and selecting the metrics from the Select metrics to view page, the created metrics appear as ECO widgets with time series and dimension data to enable deeper analysis using metric filtering and dimensional drill-down. For example, the custom metric Login to Purchase shows the time duration between login and successful purchase. This metric enables deeper analysis regarding the customer purchase behavior and allows you to optimize the sales process, enhance user experience, and boost customer loyalty.

Using Templates to Create Metrics

Use case templates enable efficient metric creation with the assistance of pre-filled fields and commonly used event associations. The use case templates provide clear guidance on where to begin and establish a well-defined process for metric creation. Common use cases involve measuring the time required to complete user login, successful checkout, and other time-critical user experiences.

  1. To browse all use cases, choose either of the options:

    • On the Welcome page, click View All Metric Templates.

    • On the Metric Builder page, select Conviva Metric Templates.

  2. From the use case list, select a required use case. In this case, choose Login Start to Complete Avg Time. You can check comprehensive information to better understand the specifics of each metric after selecting.

  3. Select either of the options to create a metric:

    • Create This Metric with Wizard: Choose this option to automatically pre-fill most of the configuration information.

      Note: You cannot update the prefilled information.

    • Clone It for Manual Metric Creation: Choose this option for more flexibility in customization, with the prefilled information as a reference. This option allows you to tailor the metric to your specific needs.

      Create This Metric with Wizard:

      Clone It for Manual Metric Creation


Creating Fully Customized Metrics

To create a custom metric using Metric Builder:

  1. Open the Metric Builder page from the Welcome or Data Modeling page:

    • On the Welcome page, click Create New Metric.

    • On the Data Modeling page, click the Metric Builder tab, and New Metric.

  2. Enter the basic metric information.

    1. Metric Name

    2. Metric Category

    3. Metric Description

  3. From the Metric Type list, select the desired metric type.

    • Duration Metric: Measures the time interval between two events.

      Average Duration is automatically selected. The created metric displays the average duration of the two selected events in the Definition field.

    • Conversion Metric: Measures the count or conversion rates of events from one stage to another.

      Displays the count of sessions with successful conversions or the count of successful attempts.

    • Event Aggregate Metric: Measures the number of events, or calculates the value of event attributes, such as the average duration of network requests.

  4. In the event selection and detail fields, select the events and values based on your Metric Type selection:

    • For Duration metrics:

      Enter the initial and follow-up events along with the pairing logic.

      • Initial Event: The first event that triggers a particular process or workflow. It serves as the starting point for measuring and tracking user interactions or system behavior.

      • Follow-up Event: A subsequent event that occurs after the Initial Event. It is a continuation or a result of the initial action. The Follow-up Event helps track and measure user engagement or system behavior beyond the initial interaction.

      • Pairing Logic:

             Pairing Logic

        As the same events can appear multiple times in an app process, pairing logic specifies the first or last sequential instance of the initial and follow-up mapped events across multiple event instances.

        • First-First Pair: Uses the first Initial Event and the first Follow-up Event as a pair.

        • Last-First Pair: Uses the last Initial Event and the first Follow-up Event as a pair.

        • Count in the same session: Choose either first pair or multiple pairs.
          • first pair selects only the first pair in a session.

          • multiple pairs selects all pairs that meet the pairing logic in the same session.

            Pairing Logic

            For example, suppose you have two mapped events: Login Screen View indicates viewers opening the login page, and Login Success indicates viewers successfully logging into their accounts. In a session, the events are displayed in the following time order: Login Screen View1, Login Screen View2, Login Screen View3, Login Success1, Login Screen View4, Login Success2.

              first-first pair last-first pair If selecting first-first pair and first pair If selecting first-first pair and multiple pairs If selecting last-first pair and first pair If selecting last-first pair and multiple pairs
            Event name Login Screen View1 and Login Success1 Login Screen View3 and Login Success1 Login Screen View1 and Login Success1 Login Screen View1 and Login Success1; Login Screen View4, Login Success2 Login Screen View3 and Login Success1 Login Screen View3 and Login Success1; Login Screen View4, Login Success2
          • (Optional) To show the distribution of the metric in ECO, select the Display the distribution of this metric check box.


    • For Conversion metrics:

      Enter the initial and follow-up events along with the conversion rate definition.

      • Initial Event: This refers to the initial event as defined previously.

      • Follow-up Event: This refers to the follow-up event as defined previously.

      • Define the details of the metric.

        • Select the conversion type, Conversion Rate or Conversion Count

        • Calculate Conversion Rate / Conversion Count of successful conversions within a given seconds/minutes/hours: Set a criteria for the duration between the two events. For example, if you set Calculate Conversion Count of successful conversions within 30 seconds and the Initial Event is Login Screen View and the Follow-up Event is Login Success, the criteria is that the two events must occur within 30 seconds to be considered a successful conversion.

        • Select an option from the drop-down list to define whether a higher or lower metric value is considered positive. For example, choosing Higher is better indicates that a higher value is desirable, whereas choosing Lower is better indicates that a lower value is desirable.

    • For Event Aggregation metrics:

      • Select the source aggregation event and define the type of aggregation.

      • Define the details of the metric.

        • Set the value calculation type

          • Number: Sets the value to the count of the source events.

          • Total Values: Sets the value to the sum of the event attribute values.

          • Average Values: Sets the value to the averge or mean of the event attribute values.

        • Select an option from the drop-down list to define whether a higher or lower metric value is considered positive. For example, choosing Higher is better indicates that a higher value is desirable, whereas choosing Lower is better indicates that a lower value is desirable.

        • (Optional) To show the unit of the metric in the ECO Trends dashboard, select the Display unit in Trends check box.

  5. Click Save and the customized metric you created display in the metric list on the left side of the page.

    Note:  If you need to reset all values, click Reset.

  6. (Optional) To edit the customized metric, locate the metric from the left side of the page, click edit, update the metric, and click Save.


The Preview function allows you to check and validate undeployed metrics and dimensions with up to 14 days of historical sampled data, ensuring metric composition and effectiveness before deployment.

  1. From the Metric Builder tab, click Preview in the top right corner.

  2. On the opened Preview page, click the Query range icon, select the query time range and click Apply.

  3. Check Metrics and Dimensions from metric widgets and dimension tables.

    Note: A Undeployed label appears next to the undeployed metrics and dimensions.

  4. Based on the check results, update or deploy the metrics and dimensions as required. To deploy the metrics, dimensions, return to the ECO Activation page and click the Deploy button.

ECO Custom Metrics ECO Custom Metrics ECO Metric Template ECO Metric Template metric builder metric builder Preview Preview