Monitor Out-of-Box Metrics


Use the easily accessible, out-of-box metrics and metadata to analyze metrics in Trends time series widgets and drill-downs in dimension tables.

ECO Metrics and Metadata

ECO Metrics and Metadata

ECO metrics display in metric widget time series and dimension tables.

  • Slice anomalies and spikes (for example, high points in network request duration)

  • Drill-down in dimension tables for quick root cause analysis (for example, by URL hosts)

In addition to analyzing metric performance in metric time series widgets, click Presets and select a desired preset option to quickly get started with commonly used metrics and metadata use cases.

This examples shows the Preset for quick network request analysis.

Preset: Network Request Example


Preset: Server-Side Performance Example


Out-of-Box ECO Metrics

For a complete list of ECO metric definitions and support, see ECO Metrics.

Out-of-Box ECO and Video Metadata




Ad Assets

Ad Creative Id

Ad Id

Ad Media File API Framework

Ad Position

Ad System

Ad Technology

App Name

App Version




Content Category

Last CDN Edge Group

Last CDN Edge Server

Platform Version

User User ID    


Browser Name

Browser Version

Device Hardware Type

Device Manufacturer

Device Marketing Name

Device Model

Device Name

Device Operating System

Device Operating System Family

Device Operating System Version








Page (Web)

Edited Page Title

Page Host

Page Path

Page Query

Page Referrer

Page Title

Page Url

Referrer Host

Screen (Mobile)

Edited Screen Title

Previous Screen Title

Screen Title  
Network Request

Network Request Http Method

Network Request Response Code

Network Request Url Host

Network Request Url Port

Network Request Url Quer

Network Request Url Scheme

Events Event Category Event Name  
Errors Error Message Stack Trace  
Global Tags Dimensions that are based on global tags.    
Event Tags Dimensions that are based on event tags.    


Out-of-Box Events

Check the auto-ingested events and minimum player versions for details about auto-collected event support.


For more details about ConvivaECO, see

Video Metrics and Metadata

ConvivaVideo provides a robust set of video metrics enabled through the Conviva SDK and player libraries and displays out-of-box metric values in the UI as metric widget time series, metric distributions, dimensional tables for drill-down analysis, and other insightful displays.

Metrics appear in metric widgets and dimension tables in Trends, Overview, and many other dashboards. In addition to the standard metrics and data, you can get started with Conviva SPI measurements in the Overview dashboard.

Trends CIRR Example


For a complete list of Video metrics detailed definitions, see the Metric Dictionary.



For more details about Conviva Video, see:

Next Step: Explore ECO FeaturesExplore Video Features