Metric Dictionary


The Conviva Metric Dictionary provides a comprehensive list of definitions for the Conviva Video metrics. This dictionary should be your single source for Conviva Video metric definitions. 

To access metric definitions, login to Pulse or reach out to your Conviva representative for access.

Conviva Video Metrics

Category Metric
Audience and

Average % Complete

Concurrent Plays

Ended Plays

Minutes Ended Play

Playing Time (Ended) -- (previously known as Total Minutes and Ended Plays Duration)

Playing Time (Interval) -- (previously known as Interval minutes)

Minutes Unique Device


Unique Devices with Ended Plays

Unique Devices with Attempts

SPI and
KPI Metrics


High Rebuffering

High Startup Time

SPI Streams

Streaming Performance Index

Video Playback Failures Technical

Video Start Failures Technical

Startup Experience



Exits Before Video Start


Plays (% of Attempts)

Video Start Failures

High Startup Time

Video Start Failures Business

Video Start Failures Technical

Video Startup Time

Playback Experience

Avg. Average Bitrate

Average Bitrate (Renamed to Avg. Peak Bitrate)

Bitrate Switches

Average Frame Rate

Concurrent Plays

Connection Induced
Interrupted Plays

Ended Status

Ended Plays Unique Devices

Exit During Pre-Roll

Last Playhead Time

Paused Ratio

Paused Time

Rebuffering Ratio

Connection Induced
Rebuffering Ratio

Connect Induced
Rebuffering Time

CIR Related Exits

Starting Bitrate

Streaming Performance Index

Video Playback Failures

Video Playback Failures Business

Video Playback Failures Technical

Video Restart Time

Zero CIRR Ended Plays

Ad Metrics

Ad Actual Duration

Ad Attempts

Ad Average Bitrate

Ad Concurrent Plays

Ad Ended Plays

Ad Frequency/Unique

Ad Impressions

Ad Minutes / Unique Devices

Ad Minutes

Ads Not Started

Ad Playback Failures

Ad Rebuffering Ratio

Ad Start Failures

Ad Impressions (% of Attempts)

Ad Startup Time

Ad Unique Devices

Ads Completed (% of Ad impressions)

Exits Before Ad Start

Ad Viewer Hours

Not in Metric Selector


Exists Before Video Start Diagnostics

% Slate Duration

% Slate Plays

Failed Attempts

Video Playback Failures Diagnostics

Video Start Failures Diagnostics

Viewer Hours

Wait Time Before Exit



For a complete understanding of a metric value, it is important to consider not only the metric calculation, but also the interval of the data and how the metric impacts viewer experience.  You can use this page to learn about Conviva's metric intervals and click a link to view a specific metric definition. 

Highlight Conventions:

Proper metric names are highlighted with italic and initial upper case. The components of the metric definitions and metric events are highlighted with italics.

Conviva Metric Intervals

Conviva Video metrics support real-time data and data intervals for comprehensive analysis of Conviva's video analytics.

Real-Time Data

Conviva continuously calculates real-time data based on a continuous stream of heartbeats from devices used by active viewers. Each data point aggregates the previous 60 seconds of data collected. In our Pulse user interface, real-time data is refreshed every 2 seconds.

Remove Data Dip for Partial Data in the Last Time Series Data Bucket

Note:  Removes the last partial data bucket by dropping any partial data in the last time series data bucket if there is a delay in data ingestion, no data availability from the source, or only partial data available in the data bucket, based on the selected granularity and the specified date and time range.

For example, the date picker sets the range from 14 July at 1:30 pm to 14 July at 4:37 pm with a granularity of 5 minutes. The last time series data bucket spans from 4:35 pm to 4:37 pm, resulting in only 2 minutes of data, which would likely cause a dip in the time series due to partial data availability. Therefore, the partial data in that data bucket, which would cause an observable drop or dip in the last data bucket in the time series, is no longer shown.

Interval Data

Conviva computes Live, 1-minute, hourly, and other interval data, and aggregates data for longer intervals.


Data History

Live 10-second data intervals, across 15-min data window.

2 Hour Data

2-hour data intervals for up to any 30-day period within the last 13 months

1 Day Data

Daily data intervals for a period greater than 30 days within the last 13 months

1 Month Data

Monthly data intervals for a period greater than 30 days within the last 13 months.

For Trends page granularity, see Time Granularity.

For aggregated data, a session is counted toward a metric in different intervals depending on the metric type.

Metric Type

Aggregation Interval

Started Metrics

Metrics based on plays that started in that interval, for example VST and Plays. 

Ended Metrics

Metrics based on plays that ended in that interval, for example Unique Devices and VPF. 

For aggregated data, metric aggregation occurs in different intervals depending on the metric type.

Metric Type

Aggregation Interval

Interval Metrics

Metrics based ongoing events that occur in that interval, for example Concurrent Plays and Rebuffering Ratio. 

Lifetime Metrics

Metrics based on a complete session, for example the Play Duration vs Rebuffering Ratio Distribution used to further analyze the Rebuffering Ratio metric. 

Dashboard Interval Display

Most pages display computed 1-minute data intervals, along with the option to display data aggregated for 2-hour, 1-day, and 1-month intervals.

Session Timeout/Expiration

Sessions expire if no heartbeats are received for more than 120 seconds.

Session Expiration and Revived Session Handling

If a session does not receive a heartbeat for 120 seconds (2 minutes), Conviva generates a session expired event and treats the session as ended. Session expired events appear in the Viewer Timeline.

If the session revives after a 120 second lapse in heartbeats and restarts sending additional heartbeats, the Conviva continues to monitor the session and considers the revived session a separate session, but with the same session ID.

The session start time distinguishes the sessions having the same session ID. Metrics and event durations are computed separately for the initial and revived sessions. These metric differences for a revived session (that is, a continuously-monitored session that follows a prior expired session with the same session ID) are noted in the metric dictionary definitions and include:

  • Revived sessions don’t contribute to VST, because their startup behavior is often unusual.

  • Revived sessions that fail to play don’t contribute to any metrics, including VSF and EBVS.

  • Revived sessions that play successfully contribute to Attempts and Plays.

Note: Sessions are not expired or ended based on rebuffering time. Sessions “stuck” in rebuffering for a long time (for example, sessions with continuous rebuffering of more than 90 seconds in a long buffering state) don’t contribute to rebuffering metrics.


Metric Mutability for CDN and Resource Dimensions

When filtering by CDN and Resource dimensions, the displayed metric totals depend on the metric mutability type when more than one CDN/resource was used during the session.

As a result, the metric totals in Trends may not match the sum of each of the CDN/Resource metrics with different mutability types, such as Attempts with Ended Plays, Plays, Interval Playing Time.


Metric Mutability Type Metric CDN/Resource Mutability Metrics OTT Customers See Metrics for: 
session lifetime

Attributed to all CDNs that were active during the session.

Attempts with Ended Plays
Average % Complete
Bitrate Switches
Ended Plays

Ended Plays/Unique Device
Ended Status
Minutes Ended Play
Minutes Unique Device
High Rebuffering
Impacted Streams
Low Bitrate

Paused Ratio
Paused Time
Playing Time (Ended)
SPI Streams
Streaming Performance Index
Unique Devices with Attempts
Unique Devices with Ended Plays
Video Restart Time
Viewer Hours - (Minutes played)
Zero CIRR Ended Plays

All CDN/resources, including Unknown, used during the session.

session join

Attributed to only CDNs used before join.

Exit During Pre-Roll
Exits Before Video Start
High Startup Time

Plays (% of Attempts)
Starting Bitrate
Video Startup Time
Wait Time Before Exit

All CDN/resource used before session join.

session interval

Attributed based on the bitrate, concurrent plays, rebuffering, or exits during the time period for which CDN is active.

Avg. Average Bitrate
Average Frame Rate
Average Peak Bitrate
CIR Related Exits

Concurrent Plays

Connection Induced Interrupted Plays
Connection Induced Rebuffering Ratio
Connection Induced Rebuffering Time
Rebuffering Ratio
Playing Time (Interval)
Only the CDN/resource used up to the current point in the session.

session error

Attributed to only the CDN that was active when the error occurred.

Video Start Failures Diagnostics
Video Start Failures
Video Start Failures Business
Video Start Failures Technical
Video Playback Failures Diagnostics
Video Playback Failures
Video Playback Failures Business
Video Playback Failures Technical
Only the CDN/resource used when error occurred in the session.



Metrics Dictionary Session Termination Session Metrics Expire Session Expiration Expiration CDN Switch CDN Switch CDN Switch Metrics Expire