Trends Dashboard


The Trends dashboard introduces a range of new capabilities designed to enhance streaming performance and metric analysis.

These features include:


Layout Options

Summary Panel

Quickly determine overall performance based on SPI scores, stream impacts, and key metrics for startup and playback experience.

For information on drill down using summary panel, actionability through several features, including SPI, Good and Impacted Streams, Improvement Opportunities (similar to the Overview Dashboard), and an Aggregated Audience Summary, see Summary Panel.

For information on SPIs and it's usecases, see SPI.

What's New

This section provides the introduction of new change in Trends.

Diagnostic Metric Widget

The Diagnostic Metric Widget provides you with the following multiple feature rich options:

  • Trends enable efficient cross-metric analysis by allowing you to move and resize widgets easily.

  • Adjust widget sizes and remove metrics without relying on the metric panel.

  • The focus mode provides the enhanced metric view of the selected metric.

  • Trends distribution mode demonstrates how streaming sessions affect the overall metric value. This helps in discerning whether the metric value reflects consistent session behavior or if session outliers cause variance.

  • Provides a toggle option to see the metric values in percentage and numbers.

  • Trends allows you to include the basic diagnostic data in the metric widgets. You can incorporate both Manual and AI alert specifics, offering a comprehensive perspective on both types of alerts.

  • Annotation allows you to mark the anomalies in time series during data analysis in timeseries.

  • The Slice option in Trends dashboard provides the option to select a portion of the time line which replicates the same timeline across other displayed metric widgets.

  • Zooming in on the time slice of data in one metric widget, selects the same time slice in the other widgets.

    For easy access you can zoom and select in one step using zoom to select.

Trends provides you the option to select the metrics from the metric popup page. Alternatively, you can utilize the search bar to locate the desired metric and select the metrics based on a search query.

To know more information on these features, see Diagnostics Metric Widget.

Advanced Metric Filtering

Trends streamlines focused data analysis by employing filters. These filters, categorized as Main and Secondary, offer versatile ways to filter through the data.

Main Filters:

  • Instant Single-click Filtering: Easily apply a filter by clicking on a dimension data entry.

  • Filter Builder: Build the filters using the Trends' Filter Builder feature, available in basic and advanced modes.

Secondary Filters: Overlay another filter layer on the main filter derived data. Activated by dragging portions of the distribution views in the metric widgets. For example, select areas in the Avg Peak Bitrate and CIRR metric distributions to apply a secondary filter for sessions with high bitrates and high rebuffering, potential ABR issues.

For information on how the filters are applied and see the use case details, see Filtering.


Deep Data Drill-downs (Dimensions, Viewers Sessions, Impacted Viewers)

Add up to eight dimensions enabling advanced analysis across dimension tables for deep drill-downs.

In addition to metric filtering and enhanced data selection, the Trends dashboard enables advanced analysis across dimension tables, viewer sessions, and impacted viewers for more flexible impact and root cause analysis:

  • Up to eight dimension tables

  • Viewer sessions

  • Impacted viewers

For example, you can filter sessions in metric distributions by startup time and rebuffering to analyze the video stream with both high start-up time and high rebuffering. Then, use the dimensional data display for further drill-down analysis of impacted dimensions, sessions, and viewers.

To assist with impact analysis, the Order By option displays up to the top 200 dimension entities in order of the selected metric. Use the sort and search features to rearrange the displayed values.

Note: To find dimension values that are not displayed within the top 200 dimension entities, create a filter with criteria that matches the dimension value, such as asset name contains news or content category equals live.

Dimensions Selection

You can select the dimension from the dimension popup page. Alternatively, you can utilize the search bar to locate the desired dimension and select the dimension based on a search query.

Note:  The State and Cities Geo dimensions include more than one entry for the same geolocation. An ECO label differentiates the entry valid for ECO, while the other entry applies to Video.

Ad dimensions in Trends

Trends allows you to add the Ad dimension data from the dimension popup screen.

When you add the Ad dimensions,

  • All the invalid/unsupported combinations like Content Metric for Ad metadata are marked NA.

  • Default order by is set to Ad Plays when ad dimensions are selected.

After you slice and dice the data , you can analyze the impact by dimensional analysis by viewer sessions and impacted viewers.

Real-Time (Live Mode) in Trends

Use the updated date picker to select the live mode. The Live mode shows the time series along with the aggregated metric numbers and percentages on the metric widget aligning the aggregate values with the metric values in the dimension table.

Note:  The real-time shows only the last 1 min data on the dimension metric widget and the dimension table.

The real-time live mode supports 10 second data refresh with less than 30 seconds latency, based on a 10-second tumbling window.


Trends offers instant comparison in addition to the Compare dashboard. Quickly compare filters for the top 10 dimension entities or across a custom dimension filters. You can now add upto 20 filters in the compare filters bar.

For more information on Compare Integrated in Trends, see Compare.

Dimension Table Compare

Dimension Table Compare displays comparitive percentage values in the dimension tables so you can directly identify which dimension values contributed most to the spike or drop (in percentage) within the table. This feature also displays the shaded comparitive area in the metric widget time series, to help clarify the scope of the impacts. Hovering over the percentage value displays the absolute value of the shaded area. With this feature, you can efficiently analyze the data, and detect any anomalies to provide a better user experience.

You can also save, share, and export the table-compare data.

This feature offers two distinct modes, Date-on-Date (DoD) Compare Mode and Slice Mode, each designed to cater to different user needs and scenarios.

Note: Turning the Date Comparison feature toggles off any secondary feature settings. The Dimension Table Compare feature is not supported for Live mode.

For more information on Dimension Table compare details, see Table Compare.

Inline Filters

Using the filter builder in Trends enables focused data analysis along with inline filter creation and updates.

  • Inline filter rule addition, modify operators, and directly apply the filter rule.

  • Save inline settings to create new filters.

  • Open filter builder for a full view of filter creation and management.

  • Open Filter Management to browse saved filters, and directly apply to Trends.

For more information, see Filter Builder.

Time Granularity

The Trends page, including Diagnostics and Compare, supports enhanced granularity levels, such as:

  • 1 min, 5 min, 15 min, 30 mins and 1 day for 1-hour intervals

  • 1 hour, 6 hours, 12 hours, 1 day, and 7 days for 30-day intervals

Note:     When you change the time granularity in Trends, the system retains this selection even when you log out and log back in, provided the granularity is valid based on the selected time range.

The new granularity drop-down next to the time picker allows you to select the granularity level for the current display.

For more information on time granularity , see Time Granularity.

Remove Data Dip for Partial Data in the Last Time Series Data Bucket

Note:  Removes the last partial data bucket by dropping any partial data in the last time series data bucket if there is a delay in data ingestion, no data availability from the source, or only partial data available in the data bucket, based on the selected granularity and the specified date and time range.

For example, the date picker sets the range from 14 July at 1:30 pm to 14 July at 4:37 pm with a granularity of 5 minutes. The last time series data bucket spans from 4:35 pm to 4:37 pm, resulting in only 2 minutes of data, which would likely cause a dip in the time series due to partial data availability. Therefore, the partial data in that data bucket, which would cause an observable drop or dip in the last data bucket in the time series, is no longer shown.

Use a wide time range for performance monitoring and user behavior analysis, from the last year to the last 2 hours or real-time. For data analysis within the last 24 hours, narrow the time range to minutes.


Trends provides a rich set of diagnostic features and capabilities that support optimizing all aspects of your streaming performance from real-time break fixing to on-going continuous improvements. For more information on diagnostic use cases, see Diagnostics.

Trends Secondary Filtering Horizontal View Secondary Filtering Trends Summary, Drill-downs, Drill down Viewer Sessions Impacted Viewers Advanced Metric Filtering Ad dimensions Real-Time (Live Mode) What's New Diagnostics Extend to App date compare Inline filters Dynamic Y-Axis Dynamic Y-Axis Dynamic Y-Axis Dimension List Dimension List Dimension list List Dimension List Dimension list List Dimension List Dimension list List Dimension List Dimension list List Dimension List Dimension list List Dimension List Dimension list