Compare in Trends


The Trends dashboard provides an instant comparison in addition to the Compare dashboard. You can use the Trends dashboard to quickly compare the filters for the top dimension entities or the custom lists of dimension filters.

  • Click the Compare Top Filters icon within a dimension table for instant compare.

  • Click the Compare button to build the custom compare filters easily.

    • Select the checkbox to create a logical AND/OR compare filter combinations

    • Select '+' to create a custom individual compare filters

Note:  Compare in Trends is limited to twenty filters for dimension entities plus the main filter (by default, All Traffic).

Instant Compare of Top Filters

To compare for top dimension entities within a dimension table across the displayed metric widgets:

  1. Click Compare top filters on the dimension data table.

    The top ten filters are displayed in the Compare Filters bar and the diagnostic metric widget displays the filters in different color codes to enable comparative analysis.

    Note:  The compare filters can support up to 20 filters. Clicking the Compare Top filters button generates filters for up to top ten dimensions listed in Trends. You can individually add the remaining filters or include any other ten dimensions by clicking the Compare Top filters button in the corresponding dimension table.

    In this example, the High Startup Time is compared across the top ten country filters, also including All Traffic.

  2. You can click the Expand Icon to see the full table.

  3. Click the drill-down icon to see the filter dashboard for further data analysis to drill down on the anomaly.


You can also add the saved filters to the compare dashboard list, by searching the saved filters on the search bar in compare dashboard.

While comparing the details you can highlight a filter in the compare bar.

Click the filter button in the compare filter bar to highlight the filter on the distribution metric widgets.

Compare Custom Dimensional Data

Trends allows you to easily compare the dimensional data.

  1. Click Compare.

    Compare Filters screen is displayed.

  2. Select the checkbox next to the dimensions to add the dimensions to the filters and click Apply.

    The applied filter is displayed in the Compare Filters bar along with the main filter.

  3. There are two ways to select the dimensions to create a filter. You can either,

    • Click the + symbol adjacent to the dimensions to create the single filters and Click Apply.

      The applied filter is displayed in the Compare Filters bar along with the main filter.

Perform Comparative Diagnostics with Error Codes

Trends enable you to compare error codes among themselves or against other dimensions. You can compare error codes using instant compare or create filters using the Compare Filter Builder.

Compare Top Error Codes

To compare filters for top filter entities within a dimension table across the displayed metric widgets:

  1. Click Compare top filters on the dimension data table.

    The top filters are displayed in the Compare Filters bar, and the diagnostic metric widget displays the filters in different colour codes to enable comparative analysis.

    Note:  The compare filters can support up to 20 filters. Clicking the Compare Top filters button generates filters for up to the top ten dimensions listed in Trends. You can individually add the remaining filters or include any other ten dimensions by clicking the Compare Top filters button in the corresponding dimension table.

    In this example, the Video Playback Failures is compared across the top error codes, also including All Traffic.

  2. Click the Expand Icon to see the full table.

  3. Click the drill-down icon to see the filter dashboard for further data analysis to drill down on the anomaly.

Compare Custom Error Codes

Trends allows you to easily compare the error codes and other dimensions using the filter builder.

  1. Click Compare.

    Compare Filters screen is displayed.

  2. There are two ways to select the dimensions to create a filter.

    • Select the checkbox next to the dimensions to add the dimensions to the filters and click Apply.

      The applied filter is displayed in the Compare Filters bar along with the main filter.

    • Click the + symbol adjacent to the dimensions to create the filters and Click Apply.

      The applied filter is displayed in the Compare Filters bar along with the main filter.


Custom Compare Filters Workflow Error Codes Custom Compare Workflow Compare Workflow Error Codes