Analytics and Reporting (Data Science)


With Video, data science and other data reporting teams can easily monitor overall summary metrics, audience levels, and detailed metrics to determine the health of their streaming ecosystem.


Executive Features


Custom Dashboard

Access Pulse: Custom Dashboard

Create personalized dashboards and discover new insights by combining widgets and display options to emphasize key insights.

  • Showcase metrics and dimensions in summary, table, or distribution formats.

  • Edit, delete, and share your created dashboard, allowing shared dashboard recipients to view or clone them.

For more information on creating custom dashboard, see Custom Dashboard.

Custom Dashboard Examples


Error Tables


Access Pulse: Custom Dashboard

Align data with geo locations for better data visualizations.


  • Easily showcase metrics and dimensions through widgets.

  • Access an intuitive way to visualize metrics across various geographies, such as countries, states, and cities.





  • Presents comprehensive view of error codes associated with the selected metric, enhancing the data analysis.




  • Quickly grasp the per-session breakdown of the selected metric.


Access Pulse: PagerDuty

Integrate manual alerts and AI alerts with PagerDuty to enhance Conviva's advanced video alerts with PagerDuty escalation management and notifications.

You need a PagerDuty account with configured services to integrate Conviva alerts with the configured PagerDuty services.

For more information on pagerduty, see PagerDuty.

AI Alerts Email Subscriptions

Access Pulse: AI Alerts Email Subscriptions

Set up email notifications for prompt updates when performance issues met AI alert conditions.

  • Utilizes the AI Alert Email Subscriptions to administer user email subscriptions, subscribe or unsubscribe users,

  • Configure specific metric notifications based on severity levels for each user.

    For more information on configuring the AI Alert email subscription, see AI Alert Email Subscription.


Service Integration: BigPanda

Access Pulse: BigPanda

Seamlessly integrate Conviva Video Manual and AI alerts with BigPanda to enhance Conviva's advanced video alerts by improving escalation management and notifications.

For information on BigPanda integration, see BigPanda.



Service Integration: DataDog

Access Pulse: DataDog

  • Integrate manual alerts, AI alerts, and metrics seamlessly into Datadog through Conviva Video

  • Enhances Conviva's advanced video alerts with Datadog's escalation management and notifications.

  • Ensures a successful integration by configuring services in your Datadog account to connect Conviva alerts and metrics with the Datadog service.

    For information on DataDog integration, see DataDog.



Product Leads Presets Overview Product Leads Presets Benchmarks DataDog BigPanda AI Alerts PagerDuty Custom Dashboard Custom Connect