Conviva BigPanda Integration Guide
Conviva Video enables you to integrate manual alerts and AI alerts with BigPanda so that you can enhance Conviva's advanced video alerts with BigPanda escalation management and notifications. You need a BigPanda account with configured services so that you integrate Conviva alerts with the configured BigPanda services.
Log in to BigPanda and click Integrations.
The Integrations page appears with your current integrations.
To create a new integration for your Conviva integration, click New Integration.
The Create a New Integration modal window appears.
Under ALERTS REST API, click Integrate.
The Alerts API integration page appears.
In the Create an App Key section, enter the integration name and click Generate App Key.
The integration's id, name, and application key are displayed in the Create an App Key section. This application key is required for integrating Conviva alerts with BigPanda services.
Additionally, a token is required for the integration. This token can be found in the Make a REST Call from Your Monitoring System section.
In Conviva Video
In Conviva Video, go to Settings > Feature Settings > Service Integrations. Under the BigPanda logo, click Add Service.
The BigPanda page appears so that you can configure the integration between Video alerts and BigPanda services.
Enter the details for the service fields, including the BigPanda service name, application key, and token.
To select AI alerts, check the AI Alerts checkbox. If you want to customize the alerts, click Customize AI alerts. The AI Alerts Settings pop-up box appears.
Use the Severity drop-down menu to select an alert severity (Info and above, Warning and above, Critical only) that can help you determine the impact of the alert condition.
Also, use the Add Custom Field button to add optional custom key and value fields as key/value pairs.
For more information about AI alerts, see AI Alerts.
To select manual alerts, check the Manual Alerts checkbox. If you want to customize the alerts, click Customize Manual alerts. The Manual Alerts Settings pop-up box appears.
Use the Priority drop-down menu to select an alert priority (P3 and above, P2 and above, P1 only).
Also, use the Add Custom Field button to add optional custom key and value fields as key/value pairs.
For more information about manual alerts, see Manual Alerts.
To verify the integration, click Verify. Conviva sends a test notification to BigPanda.
To check if you have received the test notification, log in to BigPanda and click Incidents.
To acknowledge that you have received the test notification, in the BigPanda page in Video click Confirm.
To save the configuration, click Save. Future alerts will appear in BigPanda's Incidents page.
Alerts Mapping
The alerts mapped in BigPanda are as follows
Severity | Status |
P1 | Critical |
P2 | Warning |
P3 | Warning |
Not Set | Warning |
BigPanda BigPanda BigPanda