Fixing Customer Issues (Customer Care)


With Video, customer care professionals can easily monitor overall viewer experiences along with specifics details for each viewer session.

Executive Features Description

View Streaming Experiences

Access Pulse: Trends > Viewer Session > Select Viewer ID

Quickly display the details of viewer streaming experiences across the sessions watched in a given time period. With summary, session-level data and metrics, you can easily determine a viewer's overall stream experience, while also drilling into the specific performance measurements of each session:

  • Number of plays

  • Total minutes watched

  • Session SPI,

  • Startup/play failures

  • Rebuffering and average peak bitrates

For more information on viewer module, see Viewer Module.

View Session Timelines

Access Pulse: Trends > Viewer Session

Displays session details to confirm viewer experiences align with streaming events and actual session performance.

  • Session state changes

  • Session events

For more information on viewer sessions, see Viewer Sessions.

View Impacted Session

Access Pulse : Trends > Viewer Session

Discover the most critical causes of viewer impacts and failure patterns across the impacted sessions. Video provides a high-level time series for metric progressions analysis and the ability to drill down to the minute-level analysis of the impacted viewer session analysis:

  • Overall metric performance across the sessions in the current interval and for selected time ranges of spikes and anomalies,

  • A detailed view of up to 1,500 impacted viewer sessions in up to 24-hour intervals within the last 30 days.

For more information on viewer session analysis, see Viewer sessions.

View Presets: Engagement Overview

Access Pulse: Trends > Presets


Track Audience and Engagement details by monitoring metrics, such as Ended Plays, Unique Devices with Ended Plays, Ended Plays Duration Minutes/ Ended Play, Minutes / Unique Device, and Average % Complete.

For more information on presets in Trends, see Presets.

View Impacted Viewers and Sessions

Access Pulse: Overview


  • The Impacted stream widget shows the value only when the number of good sessions exceeds bad sessions by 10 percent; else, it displays the message "Engagement difference low."

  • Impacted and non-impacted streaming times show the average playing times of the related sessions in minutes, uncovering specific impacted viewer and sessions details.

    For example, impacted streaming time is calculated as the sum of impacted session minutes in the current interval divided by the number of impacted sessions.

For more information on Impacted Viewers and Sessions, see Overview.


Customer care Viewer module Viewer Session Timeline