Device Validation


Note:  Device Validation is scheduled for deprecation on September 12, 2024. Following the deprecation, the associated features will be migrated and available in the Viewers Module. For more information on the device validation features using viewer module, see Viewer Module , and Device Validation using Viewer Module.

The Device Validation feature provides user a tool to test and verify the accuracy of the metadata that has been set during integration. For a successful integration, it is important that the metadata that has been set is accurate so that you can benefit from Conviva's platform, as the metadata that you pass through the integration is the metadata that will be used to create filters to analyze data. 

How to Use the Interface

  1. To start seeing your video sessions and verify the metadata you need to first register the IP address of your test device by using "Manage IP address" from the Device Validation page.
  2. To verify metadata, select the registered IP address of the device that is currently being used for testing.
  3. Select the session from the session table to monitor, where the session table consists of the following information:
    • Asset Name
    • Session Status: Playing, EBVS, VSF, VPF, and so on.
    • Session Start Time 
    • Device 
    • Browser
    • Link to monitor the session details in depth.
  4. The session details page displays the following metric and metadata values that is being captured in the session:
    • Session Details: Session ID , Viewer ID, Session Status, and Error code is Session is VSF or EBVS.
    • Metric Values: Start Time, End Time, Total Playing Time, Video Startup Time, Average Peak Bitrate, Buffering Time, Connection Induced Rebuffering Time, Buffering Events, Video Restart Time, Video Restart Count.
    • Content Details: Content Length, Asset name, and so on.
    • Geo Details: City, State, Country, ASNumber, CDN, ISP, and so on.
    • Device Metadata: Device Name, OS, OS ver, and so on.  
    • Custom Metadata: Any custom metadata in addition to the required metadata that you have set.

Additional Features

  1. Session History: All the session are available in "Historic" mode from the Sessions page as long the session was created in the last 30 days.
  2. Export: The Session details for historical data can be exported to a csv file. 
  3. Sharing: The Session details page can also be shared using the "Share" feature on the "Session Details" page.


  • User can register only up-to 10 test device IP address for an account. In order to register a new IP address, please go to Manage IP address and deregister one or more IP address.
  • The system only supports IPv4 protocol and it does not support IPv6.

 Device Validation Device Validation Device Validation