Device Validation using Viewer Module


The Device Validation feature enables testing and verification of the accuracy of metadata set during integration. Accurate metadata is essential for successful integration, as it creates filters for data analysis within Conviva's platform using the passed metadata.


This section provides the details on how to validate the CDN, Device Metadata, Custom Tags, and Metrics using Device Validation and Viewer Module pages.

  1. In the navigation pane, click Viewers to see the Viewer Module page.

  2. Enter the Viewer ID or Public IP Address in the search bar and click the Search Icon.

Using Device Validation Page

Using Viewer Module

Verifying Content Delivery Network (CDN) in Device Validation

The Geo/Network section provided the CDN details.

Click to expand the Image

Verifying Content Delivery Network (CDN) in Viewer Module

  1. On the Viewer Module page after searching, click any column adjacent to the Session ID to see the Session Details.

  2. Scroll down to the CDN Metadata section in the session details to view the Last CDN value.

    Click to expand the Image

Verifying Device Metadata in Device Validation

The Device Tags section provided the device metadata details.

Click to expand the Image

Verifying Device Metadata in Viewer Module

  1. Click any column adjacent to the Session ID to see the Session Details.

  2. Scroll down to the Device Metadata section in the session details to see the details.

    Click to expand the Image

Verifying Custom Tags in Device Validation

The Custom Tags section provide the custom tag details.

Click to expand the Image

Verifying Custom Tags in Viewer Module

  1. Click any column adjacent to the Session ID to see the Session Details.

  2. Scroll down to the Other Metadata section in the session details, to see the Custom Tag details.

    Click to expand the Image

Verifying Metrics in Device Validation

The Session Metrics section provided the metric details.

Click to expand the Image

Verifying Metrics in Viewer Module

  1. Click any column adjacent to the Session ID to see the Session Details.

  2. Scroll down to the Viewing Experience section in the session details, to see the metric details.

    Click to expand the Image

 Device Validation Viewer Module Device Validation Viewer Module Device Validation Viewer Module