Conviva Sensor Developer Center


Welcome to the Conviva Sensor Developer Center to guide you through Conviva sensor integrations for ECO and Video sensor modules.

The Conviva sensor integration involves using Conviva sensor APIs to pass events and metadata from app and video streams to the Conviva Gateway, reporting your experience and performance data in Pulse and other data feeds.

Conviva Application Manager helps you define a metadata strategy and validate your stream data in Pulse applications.

If you are new to Conviva Sensor Integration, see Integration Overview.

ECO Sensor Module

A simple script format enables low-code integration of Conviva ECO sensor module for automatic and semantic-less data collection.

Android | iOS | Browser (script tag install) | Browser (npm install) | REACT-Native (npm install) | C SDK

For ECO sensor module installation, see the Conviva repositories on GitHub, Follow the README file integration instructions for your app.

Video Sensor Module

For each video streaming platform, integration of Conviva Video sensor module provides a common framework for video player integration:

  • Install Conviva library

  • Configure metadata

  • Retrieve events and metadata

  • Integrate video players

  • Handle user actions

  • Clean up session

Supported platforms and video players:

  • Android: ExoPlayer, Brightcove, NexStreaming, Custom Integration, Google IMA/DAI, Custom Ad Manager

  • JavaScript: HTML5, Video.js, Chromecast v2, Chromecast CAF, Tizen, Trilithium, WebMAF, Custom Integration, Google IMA, Google DA, Custom Ad Manager

  • iOS: AVPlayer/AVQueuePlayer, Brightcove, Custom Integration, Custom Ad Manager

  • Roku: Google DAI, YoSpace, Ad Management SDK, RAFX SSAI Adapter, RAF (CSAI), Custom Ad Manager

  • Brightcove

  • C

  • Rust

  • Xbox MediaPlayer

  • Xbox WinJS

  • Web thePlatform

  • Castlabs Partner Integration

For more details, see Sensor Overview.