Ads AI Alert Email Subscription
Ads AI Alert Email Subscriptions allow Admins to subscribe and unsubscribe user email addresses to Ads AI alert notifications, as well as set specific AI alert metric severity and notification level for each user.
Ads AI alert notifications enable proactive performance troubleshooting and corrective actions for performance anomalies, providing diagnostics for the sessions attributed to the dimensions associated with the root cause of the alert along with the impacted viewers. For more details, see AI Alert Diagnostics.
Note: These changes do not impact the manual alert settings. For manual alert settings, see Alerts.
To manage user Ads AI alert email subscriptions, in the Settings menu click Email Subscription.
Image: Email Subscriptions
To add new email subscriptions, click New Subscription. The New Subscription page appears.
Image: New Email Subscriptions
Enter the email addresses in the Email field.
Select the metric severity level, Info and above against the metrics you need the notifications.
Click Save to set the email subscriptions.
The Ads AI Alerts Email Subscription page appears with a list of the configured email subscriptions along with the configured metrics.
Once you receive the AI alert email, click the Diagnostic Report link to view the root cause details and the impact of the issue.
Edit Email Subscription
To edit Ads AI alert email subscriptions for a user, click Edit icon.
Image: Email Subscriptions - Edit Icon
Select the desired severity levels for the metrics.
Note: Use the Clear Selections button (if required) to remove all selected severities for the metrics at once.
Image: Edit Email Subscription - Update
Click Update to set the modified Ads AI alert email subscriptions.
Image: Updated Edit Email Subscription
Unsubscribe Email Subscription
To remove users from receiving Ads AI alert email notifications, click Unsubscribe icon.
Image: Unsubscribe Email Subscription
The Unsubscribe Confirmation pop-up screen is displayed.
Image: Unsubscribe Confirmation
Click Unsubscribe to remove the Ads AI alert email subscription for the selected user.
Ads AI Alert Email Subscription Ads AI Alert Email Subscription Ads AI Alert Email Subscription