My Profile


My Profile page displays the account you are currently viewing and the role you have for that account. It also allows you to update your personal details, change your default account (if you have access to two or more Pulse accounts), view the Pulse applications to which you have access, change your password, view the devices used to access Pulse, and modify your email subscription preferences. The page also displays options for subscriptions, used devices, application usage, and account assignment.

To access the My Profile page, in the Settings icon click My Profile. The My Profile page appears with your personal information setting as the default selection.

Personal Information Settings

Your personal information contains name, job title, department, and other related data.

To update your information, just modify the information in the shown fields. Click Update to apply the changes.

All Conviva users, not just Admins, can change their profile settings.


For more details about the other profile options, see:


To manage personal data settings, see Managing Personal Data. For Conviva's data access and retention, see Data Access and Retention Policy.

My Profile My Profile Personal Information Settings Personal Information