Dimension Management (Beta)
Dimension Management enables the conversion of custom tags into custom dimensions for use in Video and Ad Experience. Users can select the required tags for conversion, adhering to a tag conversion limit specified in their company's contract.
The created dimensions appears in the dimension selection list while creating the filters.
Create and Delete Dimensions
Click on the Settings icon and select Dimension Management.
Dimension Management screen displays all the dimensions available for video and ad experience.
Click Create New Dimension to see the options for creating new dimensions.
Provide the Custom Name, Tag Key, and select the product. Click Create.
The Tag Keys are the unique identifiers for every custom tag.
The created dimension appears in the list of dimensions.
Note: The Counter provides the dimension count assigned to the product.
In this example, the dimension DMAs is selected for both Video and Ad Experience.
(If Required) Clear the checkbox if the dimension is not required for the product assigned.
Note: Refresh the browser to see the updates or changes done in the dimension Management .
Click Delete to see the Dimension confirmation screen.
On the dimension confirmation screen, click Delete Dimension to delete the created dimension.
Dimension Management Dimension Management Dimension Management