Experience Metric Use Cases


These use cases provide a hands-on way for you to quickly implement custom experience metrics using Metric Builder and other ECO features. Custom experience metrics are commonly used for analyzing the application performance and user experience. Typical workflow to create an experience metric:

  • Event Mapper: Confirm that mapped event(s) are available. If they are not, map event(s).

  • Metric Builder: Assign event(s) to the experience metric, using the metric templates when applicable.

  • Semantic Mapper: Deploy new metric to Trends and other pages.

  • ECO: Display the new metric for advanced experience analysis.

Full Login Time Monitoring

Slow login times can limit the number of users who successfully access the system. During login issues, users may either abandon the process or encounter timeout errors.

The custom experience metric Full Login Time measures the time taken for the entire login process, including the loading of the login form/page, user input of their username and password, form submission, and the subsequent loading of the page users are redirected to upon login. This metric is essential for analyzing application performance and identifying the root causes of slow login times.

Full Registration Time

A difficult or slow registration process causes high abandonment rates.

The custom experience metric Full Registration Time not only measures technical performance but includes the time it takes to fill out a registration form. This metric measures the time from starting the registration or sign-up process until the registration is complete. This metric enables you to do analysis of registration process and identify whether the process is cumbersome.

Time to First Play

The longer a user takes to find something they want to watch, the less likely they are to watch anything.

The custom experience metric Time to First Play measures the time from when a user logs in to the system, until the user plays a video.

Live Video Attempt to Play Time

The longer the duration between clicking the video play button and the actual start of video playback, the less likely users are to watch the video.

The custom experience metric, Live Video Attempt to Play Time, measures the duration from initiating video playback to actual playback commencement. This metric aids in identifying user engagement with video content and facilitates analysis of any underlying factors contributing to delays in playback.


Time to First Play Registration Time Login Time