Creating and Cloning Filters
Conviva Ads uses filters to display subsets of your company's data based on the fields and values you select. These fields and values are pre-defined based on your company's data or custom tags you have created.
Before you work with filters, consider all the ways you want to drill down into your data. Some questions to consider:
What type of devices do your viewers use the most to view content?
Are the devices connected or mobile?
How do iPhones perform vs. iPads?
Are viewers watching via WiFi or cellular?
Is one CDN performing better than another?
Are viewing patterns similar for free and paid content?
Does an Android or iOS player take longer to startup?
Creating a Filter
Click Filters in any dashboard page.
Click Create New Filter.
Enter a name for the new filter.
Define the rule for the new filter.
Select field (pre-defined or custom tag).
Choose a comparison (for example, "equals", "not equals", "contains", "not contains).
Select a value.
Choose a category.
Select a subcategory.
- If you don't see the subcategory you want, you can add a new one:
- Click + next to Subcategory.
- Enter the name for the new subcategory.
- Click Save.
- If you don't see the subcategory you want, you can add a new one:
Click the box next to Top Rising Contents to enable this filter for the Filters.